The Art of Words . . . The Power they May Hold

Word up :slight_smile:

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Thank you. :relieved: :black_heart: I’m really happy with it as well.

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More poem like? Some poems have long stanzas and less breaks. Her work is indeed wonderful. :rose:


@Sovereign may I ask you to define

Do you mean how the format of the piece looks or wording?

Awww!! @anon58416292 thank you so much!! I appreciate your kind words and everyones encouragement. Coming here and being able to communicate with all of you is the highlight of my day :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :+1:

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So as I was sitting here admiring this forum, a little moth flew in front of me and landed to the left corner of the table. Now I have mentioned this before and will mention it again; animals and nature around us will give us validation and messages.

Belial being the master of this physical realm is of course the first Gate Keeper, so when something crosses ones path that normally would not and thus catches your attention; I see that as significant. I wanted to share with you all the message the moth brings; how it admires the light while traveling through the darkness. The Adversarial Current is strong and amazing, thus the Black Flame is brought through by many forms :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes:


Thank you so much for sharing this!
Moths are everywhere in my house!
they even follow me to my grandpa’s!


Of course I couldnt find the right words with my limited english :sweat_smile:

I hope this will give you an idea :rofl:

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No need to apologize dear, this makes totally sense; formatting, got it. Honestly and interestingly enough I was questioning the overall look of the piece. I will try it out with some others and see how the feel is while reading. Thank you @Sovereign

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Awesome!!! Awww, that’s so cool, yay for Grandparents! Love when nature decides to grace us with their majesty. So happy to know that this was helpful and entertaing to read; any time.

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@Sovereign Gave your suggestion a try. Hope the formatting makes sense and am open to criticism :wink: :grin:

This a piece from a few years ago.

Poem ‘Past Reflection’

Lost, wandering about these empty busy streets.
Full of hopes, these optimistic reapers, keepers of the souls of forgotten and mislead dreamers.

What do we cling to? What am I not letting go?

Somewhere in my mind there is a memory I can’t quite remember.
Or maybe it’s a lie I’ve made myself believe is a truth of something.

This memory that is unable to be recalled is a thing, a question that has formed the very functions that makes me who I am.

The person I believe I am, a personality I’ve constructed for others.
I am a misfit among misfits, a cog that has no place to fit.

When I walk the streets, behind these every changing masks; I see others noticing me, rather those who are more similar to me.

Those who can see right through me, they shun me, push me far away from them.
It’s not that they may see me as a threat,but simply someone they do not want to deal with at that moment.

Makes me question, who am I really, when I walk with no mask or the every changing one. Thinking I have a firm grip on my identity and then suddenly its whisked away from me in an instant.

Then I’m left figuratively naked, on my face shows every emotion that moves in me.
For the whole public to see the uncertainty that is my identity, my inner reality.

If real recognizes real, then why is it that those who can see straight into me, the emotions plainly displayed on my face, act as though they fear me.

That they almost expect some beast to unleash from beneath this twisted face of uncertainty. When complete and total honesty still does not ease their assumed fear of me.

That which is written all over, please just accept me. Then the real question, do I accept me?
That is what they see and run from, the uncertainty that I have of me. A miss-identity.


Poem ‘Selfless Pleasures’

A man who has selflessly given all of what he was able. No intentions, just simple satisfaction in viewing the pleasure of others. A type of innocence observed, pure in the moment and an impact of subtle gratitude. Many view thoughts capable to create that which inspires substance. To drift into a memory that was good, full of light and love. Eventually while drifting in the cloud, realizing that, that good is now present. To yearn for some distant experiences to be closer, that in itself brings it out. Accepting that the chase is pointless, but the appreciation is satisfying.

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Personal Thought

A segment from the past, always nice to go back and remember the beginning of ones journey and reflect upon the present. Written 3 years ago.

You’re ok right? Really, that’s what I keep telling myself, tying to believe. Asking myself where is this anxiety coming from? Ok, focus; grab the wheel and concentrate on the road. Can’t shake this overwhelming feeling of disaster, praying and hoping for everything to be ok. Recalling him saying, “don’t borrow trouble until it comes.” Laughing slightly replying, try not to invite it in. Sharing so many stores said in an instant, both chuckle and smile.

Come back to the present, still praying. Wondering if going back to the practice of finding synergy is the core of this fear, anxiety that won’t ease. Having placed one foot on that path, those moments of timing something pulling for a straight forward coarse. Prepping you for what can’t be solved, brace for what falls.

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Hmmmm… So, this symbolism has been catching my eye the past couple of day. Questioning if the mind sees what it wants to or if it is significant. It has been said that if you look for signs, you will find them, which may take away its genuine happening. Maybe being in this mind will help separate want from happenstance.


Honey Bee

The Infernal Trinity

curiouser and curiouser… :wink:


I bet its Michael W Ford :sweat_smile:

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Haaaahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! :smirk:

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Felt a want to post this. Interesting lyrics, could be interpreted in many ways.

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Poem ‘Tiamat’

It’s starring back at me, the abyssal melding of every cell exhaling.
Straight back against a void, holding to one singular memory, nothing.
As the tides of invisible waters spin and swirl around this vessel of flesh,
begets something.

A substance forgoing all other sensations its power is weightless.
Though an ache of suspension, seen underneath the arms of the hopeless.
Countless outreached impressions, similar to mine own hand stretching to
connect with.

Filled with noxious fumes of confessions to the tyrant within.
Bowing to none, holy self of higher realms. Preying on the prayer filled domes.
Innocently waiting for redeeming glances of secrets validated with a nod and a pass.
No holy redeemer to which they flock too. Seeking a cage to sleep forever in.

While thinking they’re dreaming, all the while they’re starring and it stares back.
Through gates of their cages, it stares back. While they fondle their frontal, it stares back.
When they deny its existence, fill the domes of prayer filled prey for the taking.
How many become aware of this abyssal melding of every cell exhaling.

Straight back against a void, holding to one singular memory, nothing.
As the tides of invisible waters spin and swirl around this vessel of flesh,
begets something.


Chills! :laughing:

And one more video. Thought this was cool!
CAUTION: I would suggest anyone susceptible to seizures to not watch this. The video is intense with the flashing.