The Amazing Movies Thread

Yeah check him out. His book, Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep? is the basis for the the movie Blade Runner. It’s an awesome book (and movie).

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I actually never seen any of the blade runner movies lol I really needed to get on it! I think the last one came out was bland from what I understand I can’t remember. But I’ll Definitely check it out!

I surprisingly haven’t seen much Chuck Norris movies just this film and ‘Missing in Action 2: The Beginning’ (VHS) which I own The case is pretty big. 10/10

‘Tango & Cash’
was pretty amazing too! I think someone told me it’s pretty underrated I don’t know how true that is. 9/10


Out of all the Rambo movies this is my #1 favorite I can’t remember all of the older films that well but I just thought they were okay… which let’s talk about that ‘Rambo’ uuhh…why JUST Rambo that’s another thing that GRINDS MY SHITER with films they always do this shit like guys JUST KEEP THE ORIGINAL TITLE!!!

First Blood, Rambo: First Blood Part II, Rambo III um…okay. Then Guess what?! RAMBO and the most recent film Rambo: Last Blood which I guess that makes sense since it’s the LAST which I heard bad things about it so hopefully it is the last lol

You guys should also check out this video this guy says it all :joy::

‘New Jack City’ I honestly remember seeing a trailer for this and saying"…Meh, that’s going to be garbage." And WOW! was I wrong! I remember having the tape of it and I poped it in and I LOVED it It just has this energy to it I can’t describe it Just everything flows right not only that but I really love Wesley Snipes(loved him in Blade) I normally don’t like crime movies with me, it’s normally like a hit or miss. 9/10

A guy that is a badass killing Vampires, that’s all you need to know! 9/10. I own this on VHS also =)

‘Blade 2’
The 1st Film was already good! Never knew that they could out do the 1st movie! also the music is fucking badass too!!! 11 OUT OF FUCKING 10 (not a
mistype this movie is so FUCKING BADASS it broke my scaling system!)

As for the other Blade movies I thinks they eventually went downhill… Unfortunately like every long film series :sweat:.

(COUGH COUGH David, David’s, David 3, David: Resurrection so on and so forth…God damn David’s)

Oh Why Ridley Scott :sob::disappointed_relieved:

Since those are vampire movies another good one is

All I can say is… BLACK LEATHER :metal::metal: 10/10 this is another film series that eventually went downhill The first one was actually good. Kate Beckinsale as Selene is fucking badass and sexy :wink: and and my other favorite character is Raz played by Kevin Grevioux That man has a inhumanly grizzly DEEP voice.

‘Underworld: Rise of the Lycans’
Which takes place in the past before the 1st film I believe If I’m not mistaken this is the only good underworlds next to the original 2 I’m not sure I think it was okay I could be wrong though But the last film I heard is when they when WAYY off Which this movie I guess it’s okay that it’s not called Underworld 3 since this takes place in the past but, that’s all I’m going to say of about that I already explained my frustration with movie titles sometimes. 9/10

‘Bram Stoker’s Dracula’
Great movie! I watched the commentary of this filmThey didn’t have a big enough budget but they were very creative on the effects… which if I remember correctly the director said his son did the visual effects

with the armor design and the blood, to me this was a little boring at parts and I wanted more of the main character exploring through Dracula’s castle maybe scenes when he’s going in circles in hallways losing his mind, and ghosts haunt the place tormenting him which

we ONLY get 1 scene of him exploring which made me mad, and this Dracula I thought was done perfectly! played by Gary Oldman All of his scenes liked the most. When he’s talking his shadow is moving differently than what he’s moving I thought that was very creative and supernatural easily my #1 favorite movie of Dracula (so far) I haven’t seen all the other shit olds they pumped out! 8/10

And I have seen the original 1931 that was good and it is a classic! 7/10 I still own it on VHS But not my favorite. Which was already recommend by the amazing Man himself Timothy.

I have seen Frankenstein but The only film I’ve seen was Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein ( 1994) which I fucked hated that It was just really sad and fucked up.

Since I mentioned a movie with Bruce Willis here are some other ones I’ve seen that are pretty good that he’s in:

‘Pulp fiction’
It’s directed by the legend of self Quentin Tarantino he’s movies are great! Not only that but Samuel L. Jackson is in it too! I fucking love that actor. 10/10

‘The Jackal’
This film he plays a dangerous assassin! And the legend himself Jack Black is in this! I mean come on who doesn’t like the song ‘The Metal’ by Tenacious D🤘! 8/10

As for Die Hard believe it, or not I haven’t seen any of them, nor Sin City they also made a sequel but I don’t know how that film is, and unbreakable I can’t remember but they did eventually do a sequel to that that movie Called ‘Glass’ somebody correct me if I’m wrong but it already came out I think, and ‘Armageddon’ I have seen I don’t like the movie…I still Own it on VHS (unfortunately I have two copies lol) but that 1 was like a 2/10 for me…You guys should watch this small little clip from the commentary Ben Affleck was in it and it was fucking hilarious :joy::

Since I mentioned Quentin Tarantino here are some films I’ve seen that were masterpieces:

‘Django Unchained’
If you love western movies you’re going to like this one! 10/10

‘The Hateful Eight’
Another great western. 9/10

‘Kill Bill: Vol.1’

‘Kill Bill: Vol. 2’
I think was a 8 or 10/10 I have to go back and watch.

‘Inglourious Basterds’
Which is about a especially trained unit of Jewish guys wanting nothing more to scalp Nazis? I don’t know it been awhile since I saw this one. I did remember giving it a 9/10

From Dusk till Dawn I heard is another good 1 but I never seen the film I only remember that small clip I found of that sexy dancer played by Salma Hayek I have a huge crush on😜 And then they made the sequel I don’t know if that one was good or not.


Done with Quentin Tarantino. Now some Rob zombie movies…to be honest I really don’t like this guy his movies are hit and miss to me, his style is just little too much for me at sometimes lol But without a doubt the best I’ve seen is:

'House Of 1000 Corpses"
This Honestly took me by surprise also Sid Haig as the clown is fucking amazing! 9/10.

‘The Devil’s Rejects’
This is a sequel to ‘House Of Thousand Corpses’ Which You don’t have to watch the first film to watch this, not only that but it’s a completely different movie anyways, and the most recent film 3 from Hell which is the 3rd

movie out of the franchise I heard it was good but not as great as the first 2 films I haven’t seen that movie yet I also seen ‘The Lords Of Salem’ Which started off good And then it just fell apart also Rob loves putting his wife in movies and showing her ass crack like WHY??!!!? Like it’s that his secret fetish or something?!

But in Lords of Salem she shows FULL ASS Like there are these pointless scenes when like she’s sleeping And she has her pants pulled halfway down exposing her butt cheeks WHO SLEEPS LIKE THAT?! And there’s ‘31’ Which is basically about people who are captured

and now have to play this game to survive…kind of like saw except for there’s crazy people running around killing them, OH And I also seen Halloween which I did not like that one It was just boring, I never remember liking the original But I would rather watch that or the shitty sequels, pre-sequels that they went on to make. 8/10

OH, yes who can forget about the legendary Ghostbusters😊 another 1 of my favorites and also the theme song is so catchy!

…2016 DOESN’T EXIST lol

‘Ghostbusters 2’
I think this had more funny jokes than the 1st which gives it that extra point Peter MacNicol that plays Dr. Poha and REALLY reminds me of a Zoolander character, and definitely Rick Moranis that plays Louis which they give him more screen time in this film it feels like which I liked a lot. 10/10

‘Harry Potter’ (Last 4 films)

‘Harry Potter Order Of The Phoenix’ (5th film) 8/10

‘Harry Potter Half-Blood Prince’ (6th film) 9/10
This is my favorite one out of all of them mainly because we finally get to see Dumbledore do some cool wizard stuff That part when he’s waving his wand and fire starts to come out all over the place really reminded me of Captain Yamamoto from Bleach (That show is coming back by the way, I’m so excited! now all we need is Berserk to come back in 2D animation) that scene was so BADASS!

‘Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Part I’ (7th film) 7/10 (which is just a build-up to part two So not much really happens in this one but still good)

‘Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2’ (8th film) 8/10

The thing that bugs me the most about the Harry Potter franchise is seems like Hermione, and Ron always are getting into fights when it seems like they shouldn’t be when in The later films they’re like 18 years old and there supposed to be close friends It just got annoying I was just getting tired of that conflict all the time In Half Blood Prince Hermione FUCKIMG KILLS BIRDS!!! IM

NOT SHITTING U! She somehow casted a spell on these innocent little birds and she chucks the poor little things at Ron and then THEY FUCKING EXPLODE! Like JESUS FUCKING CHRIST HERMIONE!!! So what Ron doesn’t like you! Leave him alone! Don’t kill him over it! ESPECIALLY DON’T KILL THE BIRDS!

‘Willy Wonka & The chocolate factory’
10/10 a classic! I really loved the oompa loompas! its sooo good. UNLIKE the Tim Burton version!:rage: (Which doesn’t exist)

Which is another good one that I saw someone else recommended on here, what’s the ending made it seem like they were going to make another one which has been a couple of years now I still hope they do maybe get Tim Burton on it. 10/10

‘Alice in wonderland’
Now I know there are A LOT of versions so I’m going to just say the films I recommend that are pretty good, also WHY was this a BITCH to find! I guess because it originally was filmed in France. The cast is actually from Britain at least that’s what Google says, so the original name for this

is : Alice Au Pays Des Merveilles or you can just look up Alice 1949 and it still pops up, which I know the Google translation can be off at times so if anybody knows how to actually say it let me know. The reviews on this film is mixed which I don’t understand why this in my opinion is it really good Alice in wonderland movie. 10/10

‘Alice In wonderland’ (cartoon)
A great version to show the kids! 10/10 There’s also Dream child… which by looking at the picture it doesn’t look like a Alice movie at all Just looks like a random generic drama movie it’s AFUL that shit is a fucking

2/10 so don’t see it, It’s basically about a old lady who moves to New York and is haunted by the past also there’s this really dark freak y relationship thing that her teacher likes her And then at the end of the movie she was thinking him for whatever reason…it’s like WHAT?! None of it made any sense which this version is supposed to be like a little creepy version of Alice in

wonderland I only liked one scene and That’s when the phone was ringing And then she got in the argument with the rabbit and the mad hatter and shit got freaky fast also the design on the wonderland characters were

pretty good My favorite being the big bird at the beginning or whatever it is, think there’s even more cartoons of Alice I haven’t seen them I know there’s 1 from 1951 If I’m not mistaken.

And I’m also going to recommend the other Alice movie that came out in 1988:

‘Alice’ 10/10

Directed by Jan Švankmajer which is Alice in wonderland but a more twisted version I really do want a horror version of Alice in wonderland though I think that will be AMAZING Which we did get that later in video games like ‘American McGee’s Alice’ (2000) and then later they made a sequel called ‘Alice Madness Returns’ (2011) which I especially love the last one, I

was looking at Jan’s film background and he has a lot of interesting movies I want checking out to check out! Oh yeah and there was also a other Alice movie movie But it was completely different It felt like one of those cheesy B movies that someone made with their phone It used to be on crackle it’s not there no more, but overall
Jan Švankmajer’s Alice (1988) is a masterpiece! There’s no music in it But there’s this

gentlemen named: Aidan Halm who uploaded the movie and added his own musical score for the film and I thought he did a

fantastic job! I honestly thought it was in the film but I didn’t find out until later that the original version doesn’t have music. But close to the end I did feel like the music was a bit too loud and you couldn’t hear anything what they were saying When Alice was in the courtroom but other than that he did a fantastic job I’ll leave his version here:

‘Pan’s Labyrinth’ 8/10

‘A Clockwork Orange’ 10/10
Another instant classic!
I’m shocked nobody else said this lol! And who can forget that intro with that intense zoom on Alex

The ending of it reminded me of Kill List. Have you seen that? If not, I highly recommend it. Fantastic movie.

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A Dark Song (2016).

Movie about a fanciful and thriller version of Abramelin and the Holy Guardian Angel.

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That’s a good one! Certainly on topic to members of this forum.

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Cool stuff! Thanks for sharing! =)

‘Hellboy’ 7/10

‘Hellboy II: The Golden Army’ 9/10

As for the animated movies ‘Hellboy: Sword Of Storms’ (2006), and ‘Hellboy: Blood and Iron’ (2007) there okay. But nothing I would recommend.

If nobody hasn’t already go marathon
‘John Wick’ 10/10

‘John Wick: Chapter 2’ 9/10

Great movies. I haven’t seen chapter 3 though from my understanding I heard it was lacking.

‘Marked for Death’ 8/10
When I recommended ‘Tango and cash’ (1989) I forgot all about this movie. I own this one on VHS. Definitely worth checking out great action movie!

No but I will check it out. Thanks.

I watched it twice. Well done.

I agree.

Oh. I forgot about these movies! Definitely worth checking out!

‘ManHunt’ 9/10
If you just look up ManHunt other titles with the same name pops up. Never seen any of the other blood fist movies.

"Tequila sunrise’ 8/10
By the VHS tape cover looks like a action flick but really its more of a drama/thriller film.

‘Scott Pilgrim vs. the World’ 9/10
Another great film I highly recommend, The only problem with this is Scott is a asshole So I honestly kind of found it hard to like him, From my understanding this bombed at the box office because there were just lots of movies coming out at the time like I think Extendables, and The rest I forgot off the top of my head during that time.

‘Tucker and Dale vs Evil’ 10/10
I absolutely fucking LOVED this movie it’s a dark comedy.

‘Dream Demon’ 9/10
I discovered this one recently It reminds me of a nightmare on elm Street a little. Definitely worth checking out!

A nightmare on elm Street (Films 1, 3, 4, 5,6)

‘A nightmare on elm street’ 8/10
I think a lot of people know about this film. Definitely a classic I’ve seen the reboot I don’t recommend that vertion it’s just terrible It’s every jump scare every five seconds, and feels like Freddy is teleporting the teenagers to him and Nancy’s sucks compared to the original, also his makeup is terrible! The way angry Joe puts it it’s like splicer mixed with Avatar lol as for part 2 (1985) I thought it was"…Meh" to me it was a 5/10

‘A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors’ 9/10
This is where they get a little cheesy but honestly I still love it!

‘A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master’. 9/10
I think this one as the best soundtrack out of all of them …I mean come on who can forget classics like
‘Are You Ready For Freddy’ by Fatboys, ‘Back to the wall’ by Divinyls, ‘Anything, Anything’ by Dramarama, ‘Fatal Charm’ by Billy Idol, Oh and ‘I want your hands on me’ by Sinéad O’Connor and mc lyte. Sooo good! Lol

‘A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child’ 8/10
Now 5, 6 is were In my opinion they get REALLY cheesy but I still LOVE them!

‘Freddy’s Dead: The Final Nightmare’ (6th film out of the franchise… I’m pretty sure any horror/slasher film that says “FINAL” doesn’t really mean final…or they’ll just make a reboot or why not Just take it to space! Lol) 7/10 this one actually tries to explain how does Freddy do this but honestly I don’t think it really needs to be explained I did think it was cool how they showed his backstory though… Not going to lie though… I wouldn’t mind seeing a nightmare on elm Street in space :joy:. FUCK IT WHY NOT GO CRAZY WITH IT!

I also have seen ‘Freddy VS. Jason’ When they were fighting it was FUN! But the problem is there’s not much fights between them not only that but, I thought Freddy’s dream sequences weren’t good at all compared to the past films also I really hated the teens in that movie.

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Alice Sweet Alice’ (originally named Communion) 10/10
From my knowledge this is the MOST underrated slasher not many people know of…I would have recommended Jason since I mentioned Freddy vs. Jason But decided to do this one first since I don’t think this one gets touched upon a lot. Also It keeps you guessing you can’t really guess what’s going to happen ahead and it also has a plot twist at the end. Also Paula Sheppard is a EXCELLENT actress It’s sad she only played in this film and ‘Liquid Sky’ (1982)

A Friday the 13th 7, 8, 10 (When they got crazy. Really is what the franchise needed then just teens having too much sex then Jason comes and kills them)

‘Friday the 13th Part 7: The New Blood’ 7/10

‘Friday the 13th Part 8: Jason Takes Manhattan’ 8/10
I love this film more than 7 because this takes place on a boat and it has this claustrophobic feeling.

‘JASON 10’ 10/10
I love sci-fi so this is definitely my favorite out of the whole franchise! I mean come on Jason in space!!! Which I know sounds ridiculous but you just have to watch it it is amazing!

‘Event Horizon’ (a better version of hellraiser in space lol)
Another sci-fi horror. The only problem I have with this movie is I wish it was longer and had more hellraiser-ish moments.

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While I am sure everyone expects a horror movie suggestion from me, but I do recommend The Fountion. It takes an interesting view on not only dealing with death but our own mental prisons, as well as how to escape them.


Interesting. I never heard of it before. I’ll put it on my list👍!

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