The ABSOLUTE Best, Visual, LRBP Guides!

This is mostly for beginners but it can still be useful for anyone who may want to brush up on their memorization.

I am a very visual learner so when just reading the words it was a bit difficult for me visualize the entire process. The website below explains the process and has very useful visual images. And the youtube video gives a great live demonstration with graphics.

Both of these really helped me when I was struggling to perfect this ritual. Hope someone finds these helpful.


I had great successes with LBRP decription in Modern Magick by Donald Tyson, this thread is much needed since a lot of people dont banish. :pray:

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Well thank you. :smiley:


I know I’m reviving an old thread, but I wanted to share another video I found of this ritual. I found this one pretty helpful.

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Thank you. one of my goals for next year is to refine and improve my magic skills so this will be very helpful for me


thank you so so so so much (* ´ ▽ ` *) might make one too in mmd someday