I need your bravery, madam! Lol
Many have stepped back after reading those experiences. What you wrote here makes sense:
I remember also to read from you warnning people about running too fast had made some on the Balg have to quit the forum… So experienced people like you @DarkestKnight @Lady_Eva and some others help to keep this space streanghned, healthier and safer with your insights on many subjects
It’s one of those personal balance things. We often don’t realize wtf we are getting into, when we start out.
As such I think it’s important to remind people- be smart, have some book knowledge at least when you jump off the cliff, and then once you get running… sorry you are probably mostly alone, other than confirm or deny shit.
It’s honestly somewhat of a precarious balance-
dude be safe not stupid…what you propose is fcking stupid…
dude… why do you care what anyone thinks, if you are good?
Really depends on the audience which way of thinning should take priority, we don’t always know in the forum whose got enough experience to jump off the deep need alone and who doesn’t, so I do try to err on the side of caution, but honestly. If you have any amount of time in this type of life, any idea what you are doing, then make ya decisions and quit caring what the mass bulk of people anywhere say- because chances are half of them didn’t even believe you can do what you said you are doing, let alone do it and comprehend where you personally are.
Drinking ramble, sorry. I had a point/don’t recall it, I think it was basically- just if you have experience stop worrying about people who don’t know you and your every detail, and if you don’t…
Be safe. That’s really the only two things I care abo it- lol.
Interesting to know. this happened to me, it took me more than a year to recover.
I’m working with all 72 spirits of Goetia , don’t have much to share though I’m only on the 7 !
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hey fam, would you mind to share here your experience? Like what have you gone throu and what it take to recover beside the time span
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This morning I have completed the 72 challenge. This was an amazing experience, and lots of hard work. Thankfully I had plenty of down time to work with due to virus lockdown.
I can highly recommend this challenge to anyone who sincerely wants to increase thier evocation skills and sharpen thier ability to communicate with spirits. This was a game changer for me and I’m glad I did it. Thank you to everyone who advised and supported me through this project I’m truly grateful and feel honored. I documented as much as of this journey as I could in my balg journal. This project tested my will and resolve and abilities to the max. I’m much stronger and more confident now for finishing it.
If anyone wants to discuss the 72 challenge feel free to pm I’d be happy to discuss it with you.
Thank you everyone.
I’ll be a bit off topic here, but I’m planning to start working with demons through the ‘‘Demons of Magick’’ book by GoM… The author does underline that evoking 3 Shem angels is necessary and does not only ‘‘constraint’’ the demon to keep you safe but also adds a more ‘‘intellectual’’ value to your request when addressing the demon, he also keeps repeating that angelic presence does NOT upset the demonic spirit… Is it something that you can confirm ? according your experience
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No absolutely not. I’ve evoked all 72 of the spirits and never once did I use Shem angels. Everyone has thier own approach to the Goetia and in everyone’s own mind thiers is the “right” way.
I’ve asked several spirits how they feel about having Shem angel supervision and some don’t care some are offended by it. It varies.
For me bottom line is alot of these spirits are fallen angels. Why do I want to put them under angelic supervision when they didn’t want to be a part of the angelic structure to begin with.
I approach with respect, courtesy and authority and I made it through fine without using the shem.
Will it protect you more… arguably yes if you feel like you NEED them ok. But if you’re frightened enough of the spirit your trying to work with that you need to call other spirits to tame it…you probably shouldn’t proceed with the working.
But let’s get to where the rubber meets the road. Results.
I’m very satisfied in the results I get working with the 72 without any interference from angelic beings. I don’t want them or need them to work with the Goetia in a safe, results oriented way.
Others are going to have thier own opinions. That’s fine, I just gave you my 2cents.
PS winterfell seems to think having Shem boosts a Goetic spirits operating efficacy because of the angelic guiding intelligence of the Shem.
I think that’s a load of bollocks. The Goetic spirits are plenty smart enough to carry out thier charges without some dickhead angels bossing them around.
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Great ! thank you for the answer it’s much cleared now, I really hope that the first goetic spirit I’ll work with won"t be offended by Shem angels, As I’m really beginning with demonic goetic spirits , feel safer to stick to a well known system
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It’s a safe system you won’t get burnt doing it that way, but don’t expect to make many friends is all. Good luck.
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Have you evoked all 72 kings/queen, 72 daemon evoke challenge,
This member May have left which is really a shame but taking my time to read the 480 tread made out of his work. Very informative, and he answered all the questions with fun. New comers new to demonic ways of practice should read it whilst is it still available. Very intense work to perform. Good for him.