The 42 Letter Name of God Pathworking (Finished)

Part Seven Day Seven

Last day of experimentation. I decided to repeat the same ritual as yesterday since it had failed. The energy was still intense upon calling the angels, but it was more manageable this go around. I activated each part of the name in order, feeling the energy of each intention link and work with eachother, much like organelles within a cell. There was a bit of resistance at some points but I pushed through it with brief imagery of chains shattering as I did. I get the impression these were inner bindings though, not from an external source.

Feeling the sense of calm that I image would be there upon letting an arrow fly after holding it back for some time.


Additional Note

This is a little separate from the working, but it is an interesting thought and the words came from Azrael, who I have involved in this working. Much like my experiences with Michael in this working, he said what he had to say and departed without further explanation. He simply said this ā€œBy focusing on the past, you create a living being. The time and energy spent on it gives it nourishment. If there is any hope for change, it has to be acknowledged and the individual must use his will like a knife to slit its throat, enduring the loss afterwards while moving forward.ā€ Something for me to ponder on.


Heavy stuff that resonates a little too well, man. Thanks for sharing.


Part Seven Day Seven Observations

Another failure with one aspect of the intention (the specific production rate I wanted), while all others were fulfilled. However, with everything being slow today due to machinical failure, I was able to look at some logs at work to see if the failures were result of the actual magic or the mundane. Turns out, the main problems that resulted to the failure of both happened hours before i even casted. So, i can say that this is a case where the situation of the mundane prevented the manifestation from coming forth in the first place. In both days, I did achieve the highest number possible within the situation. I am still going to categorize it as a failure for when I calculate the success rate (as that is what is truly important in terms of magic at the end of the day) but it is nice to know it was not from over complicating things.


Part Seven Summary

Okay, so to say that this part of the name causes a complete reset is a little bold to say. While there are aspects of it that are true (the shifting of luck, purging, the regain of luck and ultimately a shift in views of what is important), I think saying it is like hitting a reset button gives individuals the wrong idea on its own. I would say it is more like intitation. You are getting pulled from the state you are comfortable with, thrown into a state of despair that forces you to face yourself and then are put back into your position as you were previously. However, you are not quite the same afterwards, or at least that it is how my experience was. I would associate this part of the name with words like ā€œinitiationā€ and ā€œrestorationā€ more than ā€œresetā€. This could be handy for those who feel like life has gotten stale.

As for planetary influence, I couldnā€™t pick a better one than the sun.

So, all that is left is for me to begin the preparation work for the final ritual. I am aiming to perform it by Saturday night/Sunday Morning, which would be the end of the Jewish Sabbat and my one night off. I will also be going through this journal to calculate my success rate with this pathwork, as well as make some comparisons of my experience with others


Success Rate

Okay, so I performed 51 rituals so far. About 36 of them were successful, 10 were failures, and five i considered to be void as I was not comfortable to label them as either or. That comes to about a 70% success rate. Not quite as high as one may like, but a vast majority of this journal involved experimentation for me to understand how this system works. That involves failures and those failures tend to be what hold the knowledge, more often than the successes. There is also an internal change to consider that I do not quite understand, and may take time for me to.

Overall, I am actually surprised with how high the success rate was with how little understanding I had going into it. There is still more room to tweak things and I am pretty certain the success rate will improve as I use this system more in the future. As for how we are standing now, I am glad I went through this. I found some gems about not only this kind of system but of myself as well. And I am excited for more work to come.

But that will be after the final ritual for this journal.

Edit to note: One of the internal changes I have noticed that I have not included in this particular journal thus far is that I do not enjoy drinking like I did before the working. In fact, the few times i did drink while doing this resulted in massive headaches (when i do drink, i only have one cocktail, glass of wine or beer and drink water afterwards) and hated the after effects. My temper has vastly settled as well, especially at work that is my biggest source of stress. Not sure why, but time may tell.


Final Ritual

I had another plan for this ritual, but i decided to jump to the opportunity i had to get the final symbol I created tattooed on my chest. If one thinks about it, tattooing is one of the oldest rituals in our history. They were often used as a form of intitation, where the mark served both as a sign of being part of the group but also an individual as well. In a more modern context, tattoos can be used for magic that would be for a more permanent effect. It is essentially your intention channeled through a form of sacrifice of blood and pain. This is my second magical tattoo, as my first was made to strengthen a connection to my ancestors. Spirits were also involved in this one, as I included the angels Azrael, Michael, Raphael and Sandalphon in the symbol as well.

The ritual itseld was a test of patience, as we had to draw and redraw the stencil for the tattoo about six times to get it to set properly for the tattoo. Each time was done by individuals in my life I have cared for and who have returned the favor. When it was ready, I lit some incense and recited the Kabbalahist prayer, focusing on the exchange of the ordeal to strengthen my manifestations through the expression of each of the seven parts. I slipped into a trance state as the tattooing began.

To say it was painful is a bit of an understatement. It was especially so with Azrael, as it sat right on my Axillary nerve. But I would not say the pain was purely physical, as during the tattooing, i found myself inbetween this reality and somewhere else. I could feel and ā€œseeā€ two realities while in the haze of the pain. I could see my physical and, for the lack of a better term, my soul tattooed. The mark was being made on both parts of myself, and I could feel the influx of power running both in and out of my body. By the end of it, I was feeling both weak and light.

Since the tattoo was not done in a shop, I was able to go to sleep a couple hours afterwards, which was deep and with no dreams. After being awake for awhile, I am still processing the shift in energy, but it is slowly beginning to settle. Time will tell how it improves my magic overall, but I am glad this was the ending as opposed to what I had planned. I can still charge the material I bought with the prayer but this seems more appropriate, as in a way I have became a part of the working itself. In Judaism, the religion that this working stems from, anything with a written name of god in it is considered a holy text, even if it is rejected by the community. It cannot simply be thrown or burned away, it has to be buried. By tattooing the name, I have both shattered the religious dogma against getting ink at all while, in a way, became a sacred document as well. Interesting little paradox I have created for myself, and we will see how it goes. So far, I feel like the offering has been accepted. What is approved by gods and men tend to be very different after all.


I enjoyed following your experiencešŸ¤—. I got the book soon after my comment about passing over it on amazon.

So now I have your experience to refer to while I go through the book again.

I suppose the tattoo you got is simular to your heptagram pic back a couple of comments. :thinking: I got out some paper a while back and spent a couple hours trying to learn how to write Hebrew letter. They donā€™t look that good yet. hopefully the tattoo artist can make them look good :nerd_face:

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Thank you for following. And yes, the tattoo was the heptagram. The Hebrew is difficult to learn to draw, mine is still pretty messy. However, if you look up how to write Hebrew in print, they do have some videos on YouTube that will make it easier. It wonā€™t look exactly the same, but it will get your hands into the process.

I am actually finding some trouble finding comparisons to draw between my experience and those outside of Baal Kadmon. The original creator of the 42 Letter Name of God was a man named Tanna Nechuniah Ben Hakana, who also said to have authored the Bahir, which focuses on the mystical nature of the Hebrew Letters and the use of sacred names in magic. I am not sure if he specifically claimed this next statement, but at some point the seven parts of the 42 letter name were connected to the lower seven Sepirots of the Kabbalah (also known as the emotional sephirots). This could explain why I was calm while working with it, as the emotions became balanced. So, if emotions start to arise when working with it for you, that might be why.

Another interesting note: as to why the number 42 is important, the Hebrew word for mother also has the value of 42. Mothers are extremely important within Judaism, so it is possible that Nechuniah passed that importance into this system.

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there are metal stamps and plastic stencils on amazon to make a perfect sigil or tattoo.

I just started by getting a pic of the Hebrew alphabet and trying to copy each letter 100 times. need at least a few more.

kaadmon talks about the names coming from even spaced letters. and there being other names with other spacing. someone else must have wrote that down somewhere. Hebrew been doing numerology for a long time already.

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have to add this inšŸ¤—

some people have a good voice, but they go and kill the natural sound by using a software like Autotune (Miley Cyrus :roll_eyes:) This woman has a great voice, but the natural sound is missing because of Iā€™m guessing Autotune

here is a man doing it as well. His voice is natural. no software used, but the level on his effects a little too high and the depth a little too long.

If anybody is wondering the 42 letter name came from this poem