Part Six Day One Observation
This was really needed. Not only was I calm, but my entire work area was, which is very important considering the anxiety that has been going around lately. Everyone was focused on their work, not a single bit of conflict for me to settle, and our production was the best for the start of the week than we have had in a long time. I will need to repeat this to see if it always effects one’s surroundings as well as one’s self but so far, this is proving interesting.
Part Six Day Two Ritual
Same ritual as yesterday. It was a little easier to connect than yesterday and the calm washed over pretty quickly. No visions this time. We will see how it effects my surroundings tonight. Interestingly enough, my wife noted that I physically look healthier since I started this working. A bit more color in my face and I have lost a little weight. I have more physical energy as well.
As for the Angelarium, i pulled three cards. The first is Netzach, the Seriphot of Endurance and serves as the base for the pillar of mercy. It represents the strength and patience gained through long periods of suffering, as well as the ability to rally others to your cause as a leader.
The second card is Kushiel, the angel of punishment, one of seven angels of hell with that title mentioned in Enoch. His name translates to “Rigid One of God”. Considering I have had a job passed over my head at work, I think the impulse to punish will be something I am going to have to reel back so I do not act out of haste and put myself in a worst situation.
Third card is Simikiel, the angel of vengeance. Seems to reinforce the second card. I have learned in the past it is not wise to bite the hand that feeds you until the moment it is no longer the case. A punishment/act of vengeance that bites you back in the ass because it was not thought throughly is a failure in my eyes. I will be observing before i decide to go straight offensive. So, these impulses are going to be there as I am more than a little annoyed from the shanigians at work, but it ultimately is my choice on whether or not allowed to interfere with my sense of peace.
Part Six Day Two Observations
Okay, so this time the exact opposite happened: it seemed like everyone and everything were freaking out or trying to piss me off. This was done either from a sly comments about the maintence job to people forgetting basic skills with their machines i taught them on day one. I found myself frustrated to have to constantly adapt to juggle things that really are not my job to get things working, while being…“informed” about things that are not my area nor within my control. I was fuming and it was tempting to really lash out. But I stepped off the floor a few times, gazed at the hebrew written on my arm and chanted the part of the name as i breathed before jumping back into things, really digging into my strength to maintain control. While the calm was a bit shakey, it ultimately surpassed the impulse to give into the pure rage. We ended up surpassing my goal for that day and, while I got a bit firmer with my commands than I like, I did not go off the deep end.
I also reused the part on the way home, as we found ourselves driving in a snow storm with the windshield wipers not working. Obviously not a wise idea to do at all, but there was not much of another choice considering we were in the way back roads surrounded by farm land. The part of the name helped to calm the fear of obvious risk of harm and we ultimately made it back home safely.
I would say that this part of the name is one of those ones that act in short bursts like the second part of the name, but can be quite powerful in that moment as opposed to lasting a long time such as the first part. The accuracy of the Angelarium deck is also something worth noting. Tonight will likely be the last night I test this part of the name by itself before working in combinations.
Part Six Day Three Ritual
Same ritual, although I skipped the inner flame aspect. Instead, I empowered the part the name by holding my arm close to my mouth as I chanted, allowing the sound to bring them to life. The calm washed over me with the same intensity as the first day this time and the imagery of watching a stormy sea settle came to mind as i slipped in trance. I stayed there until the waters became calm. I finalized my intention of establishing inner peace and gaining insight. As I came out of the trance, I noticed all my cats were around me, just chilling. A couple were on my lap, but I was too far gone in the trance to notice when they jumped up.
Pulled three cards out of my Angelarium deck. I pulled Eistibus (Angel/Genius of Divination), Sandalphon (Angel of Music and Ascension), and Remiel (Angel of Visions). I pretty much have already talked about these cards, and the theme to observe seems to be playing out again. I may just need to start evoking the angels of this deck to see if i can get more from them, but that will be for another journal.
Part Six Day Three Observations
Not a bad day, the sense of calm was fairly maintained throughout the night. There were tense moments and I wouldn’t say everyone was affect by it like the first day (although some did point out that my presence was calming for them the few times i did have to fix a problem). The moments that were not calm were due to decisions that were not my own that were made during my breaks. I wouldn’t say the sense of peace was not the stereotypical image of “inner peace” that is projected thanks to the more…new age inagery. It was more that I was in present without my mind wandering, not worried about the future, and honestly disattached to the few problems when they did emerge. The kind of calm you experience when you are no longer trying to be calm, if that makes any sense at all. Not really sure how else to word it. My usual goal that I have set to test the other parts of the name was surpassed as well, despite being short an hour due to a meeting.
The association with venus comes to mind, as it does not have the fear aspect i associate the relationship between the moon and emotions go. But more tests will be needed.
Tonight, I will be testing this with a combination of the other parts.
Part Six Day Four Ritual
I created a symbol for this ritual. I began by reciti g the Kabbalahist prayer and drawing a hexagon and wrote the first part of the name at the Base and the Sixth on the top. I put the two names that focus on controlling external factors (the second and fourth) on the left sides and the two on more inner factors on the right (third and fifth). I activated each part of the name as i wrote them, setting my intention with each. In the center, I drew a six pointed star as well as written “Ein Sof”, which is the name of the aspect of god that rests just outside of the Kabbalah. It is translated to “the endless”.
The energy built up quite quickly as i constructed it so at that point I finalized my intention and released. I folded it up and replaced the previous symbol with this. It actually was a bit overwhelming to use and I have a slight headache he afterwards. Let’s see the results.
As far as Angelarium , i pulled three cards. The first was Keter (the first sepirot that sits on the top of the tree of life and is believed to be the highest point that can be reached, representing the aspects of the divine that are supposingly beyond our comprehension). The second was Dumah, the angel of dreams (I disagree with the author on Dumah being the angel of dreams. Dumah is an Angel of the dead who receives souls from Azrael and replays their lives to the dead before deciding where they will go, according to his story. That is how he punishes, so i can say this card means learning to see the truth for what it is, not what we want it to be). Finally, I drew Simikiel, the Angel of Vengeance. I will have to be careful with my temper tonight.
Edit to add: I have been carrying the symbol in my pocket for about 20 minutes now and the leg it is touching feels like someone is pressing ice against it. I am warm everywhere else. Interesting.
Part Six Day Four Observations
Success, as all aspects where fulfilled (with the production goal actually succeed beyond what i wanted). Pretty much every machine that was done suddenly worked when i approached it and no fits of anger. There were a few moments where it was tempting on my end but the s all obstacles were overcame quickly. Overall, a good night. I will note that the cold sensation in my leg that touched the pocket with the symbol in it has not gone away. Not sure why that is but seeved as a reminder it was present.
Next test will be to reactivate the symbol without redrawing/rewriting to confirm or deny my assumption with the last symbol that the action is not required to tap into the power behind the parts. Then two nights off as I have the weekend off from work.
Part Six Day Five Ritual
This go around, I reused the symbol I created yesterday. I activated each part of the name one of the time in order, starting with the base, and setting my intention. I allowed the energy from each fill in the hexagon, visualized it also filling in the six pointed star and the hebrew within the symbol. I finalized my intention and released.
As for Angelarium, I pulled four cards which were Keter (the first serphiot, which is on the top of the tree), Malkuth (the tenth, which sits on the bottom and is connected with this plane), Chokhmah (the second sephirot which represents wisdom, which sits on the top of the pillar of mercy), and Phanuel, the angel of Truth. Not quite sure what it means, but it is interesting to see the dynamic of polarity with both Keter and Malkuth being present, as well as Chokhmah being present which is part of the order that the kabbalah is studied. I will have to put more thought into this.
Part Six Day Five Observations
Okay, we have mixed results this time. On one hand, we achieved the goal I set, was not harmed, had clear thought of the situation and could predict problems. However, the binding on my boss (who seemed to be driven quite mad upon seeing him) failed as he made many decisions that disrupted my team’s (as well as my own work) that eventually drove me so wound up I left my area abruptly to take my break so I would not truly manifest what I wanted to. So, a sensation of peace and the binding were the failing aspects of this working.
As to why, I have two possible ideas. Like precious incidents, the energy seems to shift between the different parts when it runs into obstacles. It will weaken one aspect in order to fulfill another. This could be something on my end or possible sign of another conscious being that I am working with, which has been hinted earlier in this journal.
The second idea is a possible bleed from my HNG pathworking, where I was focusing on strengthening the relationship between my physical and spiritual aspects. Considering I was sleep deprived at the time of casting, that physical condition could have bled into it due to that other work, as I have worked with the parts with this working while half awake with little side effects. Things to ponder on.
Either way, glad that night is over.
Part Six Day Six Ritual
I decided to retry the same ritual as day five to see if the results differ. I am not as sleep deprived today so I am curious to see how the results go. I also recited the Kabbalahist prayer prior to the activation as opposed to afterwards like I did in day 5.
As far as angelarium goes, I pulled three cards: Eistibus (Angel of Divination), Israfel (Angel of Song) and Azrael (Angel of Death). This is an interesting pull. I have already talked about Eistibus so I will put that aside. Israfel is an Islamic Archangel, credited to sound the horn during the day of resurrection as well as to bring life to other hosts of angels through music. There is an interesting connection between magic and music. Finally, Azrael is the psychopump within Islam and some aspects of Judaism. He was actually the first angel I ever worked with and is a great ally to have when you need to end a cycle. So, from these cards, I am expecting a bit of a rough patch to emerge as what I have been doing is wearing down old walls due to collapse. What that will lead to will be up to me.
Part Six Day Six Observation
Success. There was a rough patch at the start of the shift, but it provided opportunities to learn how to fix a critical piece of equipment I did not and developed a system to make the repairs easier for maintence. Pretty much all aspects of the intention were achieved, although i did have some heavy moments where I reevaluate things, debating if I am putting too much energy into work, as well as accepting that things are changing in my life (as my oldest daughter is becoming a legal adult tomorrow). It would be easier to try to deny that they are, but it would also be dishonorable. Life is full of both bitter and sweet moments. I rather experience both and live the experience fully, for whatever reason I am here for.
I will likely not be posting on this thread for a couple nights, as I took a couple nights off to celebrate my eldest’s birthday. My “magical laboratory” should be fine without me for a couple nights. Some things are a bit more important.
An additional note:
I did find out that an individual I have been binding with the second part of the name will be switching shifts in a few months due to his own choice. Not sure if this is a result of the working as far as long term, as we are getting to the final part which makes the boldest of claims yet which is basically a life reset, or another reason. But it will be an end to an obstacle.
A Observation in Regards to Disposal
So, while cleaning up, I decided it might be a good idea to burn the previous symbol i created. This is something I do with sigils and other symbols with zero problem. When I went to do so, two things happened. The first was that while the paper was perfectly dry, it did not burn well. The second was an emergence of guilt for burning the symbol. I cannot really explain why, as it was not an extreme sense that I would label as abuse but there was a sense I was being that kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. A minor conflict as opposed to a larger one. So, I apologized (not really sure to who but it felt the need to) and explained that frankly, i am still figuring things out with this. The feeling lifted pretty quickly afterwards and I went on with my work. I believe I will try burial for the next symbol.
Oh, wow, that is an interesting response to burning a seal. Gives some food for thought. Great observation
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Part Six Day Seven Ritual
I repeated the ritual I performed with Day six for this one. I was going to add blood to this working as a variable but, remembering the lesson from my experience with disposal, I decided to ask in the beginning while I was doing my breathing exercise. I got a very strong no, so I did not. There was a slight turn in my stomach with that no, which is unusual as I work quite often with blood and this would be one of the few experiences where it was not accepted. Interesting to note. Also, my animals tend to surround me while i am performing my rituals as of late, making it hard to keep the symbol visible to cast lol.
As for angelarium, I pulled out Kushiel (Angel of Punishment), Sahaqiel (Angel of Sky) and Shateiel (angel of silence). This is probably the clearest this deck has been, as some in my workplace tend to “punish” those who go on vacation when the stress builds up. So, it is likely i will have to deal with that, but will be guarded from those who attempted to. The quiet observation will allow me to pierce through the facade of power displayed and bring that peace of mind.
Part Six Day Seven Observations
Success across the board. Things went smoother than usual today for some reason. Some shade was thrown but nothing that really distracted me from my work. All aspects of the intention were met. Not much more i can add. A good night.
Part Six Overview
So, I was a little skeptical with this part straight off the bat on day one. As someone who has been through my mind being both my prison and torture chamber, the idea of a word/name bringing inner peace was a little too good to be true for me. But I got to say, there is something to it. The kind of peace brought using this part of the name is not the New Agey kind that might pop into someone’s mind. I learned with this that peace is not that constant good feeling, but more that you acknowledge all of the experience while knowing you are moving forward, no matter how slowly. The emotional weight was not really present while working with this. It is subtle for the most part, but it does have an affect, or at least it did for me.
As far as possible planetary influence, I got to go with Venus with this one.
Part Seven Day One
It is a bit surreal getting to the last part of the 42 letter name. It has been only been a few months but it feels like its been years. It is interpreting how much my thought process has changed, as well as how much more I still have to learn from this. This last part is going to be more difficult to record, as there is not really a way I know that I can measure it. Baal Kadmon credits it to act as basically a life reset, a way to manifest a second chance. We shall see what my experience brings.
For this one, I wrote the Hebrew on my arm and began with the Kabbalahist Prayer. After taking a few breathes, I chanted the name. I had to do this slowly, as the Hebrew in this part was more difficult to pronounce than the others. It required more energy to focus, building the energy while focusing on the two words “second chance”. The energy was subtle at first but grew in intensity as I went. The imagery of a rolling thunderstorm over a grassland came to mind and could “feel” the vibration of the thunder passing through my body. The sound of the wind from the blizzard outside became more noticeable as I released the energy after stating my intention. Interestingly enough, I found myself humming the song “Look through Heaven’s Eyes” as my awareness shifted back to this plane, which is a song about shifting your perspective among other things.
Feeling a complex set of emotions: excitement, a trace of fear, peace. Hard to really describe it.
As far as Angelarium, I pulled Netzah (Serphiot of Endurance that serves as the base for the pillar of mercy), Tiferet (Serphiot of Beauty that asks as a balancing point for the rest of the tree of life), and Phanuel (Angel of Truth). Balance, patience and observation of things as they truly are seems to be the theme
A Note
After the working, all my rides to work fell through, forcing me to call in. Since this part of the name was not specific tied to work (such as hitting a certain rate, protection from physical harm, etc), this should not hinder my observation of it. This does give me time to enjoy my coffee and ponder on things. Not sure if I would label this as an effect or coincidence since the storm was raging during the working, but I’ll take it for what it is. Perhaps I will burn some homemade incense pellets I have had stored for about a year now.