That Moment When 8: Strange days stranger nights

Moistly skulk.

And its leg Day tommorow! I will go amazingly with The shquatt (arnold accent there)


Tmw I need to uncross, hospitals are full of mixed energy and I attracted a bunch, plus my guides are concerned about me.

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Good good, lots of people, me included hate leg day. I hate my legs hurting the next day.

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In legs i would like to have big thighs and abductors and the a little big but cutted look i want to ephasasive the V taper but i could easily develop the vastus lateralis muscle of The quad to bring the tear look in so do doing from V is go to X

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You have it all planned out for sure!

TMW it is taco Tuesday :grinning:

TMW you feel weird like hollow inside. Thatā€™s usually never a good sign for me. Itā€™s one of my indicators somethings going to happen.

No I think it is the time of year.

Mercury retro hits me hard could be that. I just feel very off balance and hollow like I mentioned.


Make sure to take care of yourself and get rid of bad energy. Mercury Retrograde hits me hard as well, yesterday I spent the whole day in a slump that I couldnā€™t shake off, today is a little better.


For refrence and inspiration i like to look over my favourite and most inspiring bodybuilders and one of them is Tom platz, nicknamed the Quadfather, The Golden eagle.

Tom platz literally changed bodybuilding forever and he set New standarts, tom platz never one a mr olympia but he had a huge following and fame because of his amazing and super honest character and his physique that many say that he should have won the 83ā€™s mr olympia.

There was a reason that he was nicknamed the Quadfather and changed bodybuilding forever.
He was literally the first one to bring huge legs and massive squats in the game.
images (5)

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I wonder how long it takes to build that much muscle. I personally am a lean muscle kind of girl, but some of the coaches we had went for a beast type of bod.

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I feel like I might of moved my hip out of postural position

Time varies by genetics and Enhancements,Theres a guy who is one of the most genetically gifted Bodybuilders in the world - after 9 months of training he managed to get people to ask him if he is bodybuiler and that was only after 9 months in the late teens,now the guy is 24 and is almost 300 pounds and sometimes he even got beyond 300 pounds after his first newbie enhancement cycles.

first it is obviously genetics even if you worked super hard and did steroids you wouldnt put crazy amounts of muscle because maybe your frame is too narrow or muscle bellies are flat - Born bodybuilds have a V frame body with a big shoulder to waist ratio and round muscle belies

Second work ethic - You still need to work super hard ,tom platz was one of the most strong and intense in terms of work ethic in the gym,i mean just look at his videos

Third - Steroids : Arnold ,frank zane,tom platz are not naturals but they had amazing genetics and worked super hard and frank was rather more smart and full of principles than heavy
I actually love the field of steroids in many ways - i do not plan of using them for a few reasons and because i want to be a natty champ but in a scientific,biological and chemical way i love studying steroids and how the work. the effects and the the things that they stimulate and how they are and what they are,anabolic steroids are forms of synthetic or manmade testorone which have the chemical composition of : Carbon, Hydrogen and
Testorone has C:19 H:28 O:2 and lets say Dianabol which is one of the most famous anabolics that the era of tom platz used had the chemical composition of C:20 H:28 O:2


That moment when youā€™re so annoyed with everything that your face might freeze into resting bitch face for the rest of your mortal existence.

Doing what ancestors have told me to doā€¦bye bye internet cocktail.

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If you need someone to vent to my DM is open.

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Thank You! I appreciate it.

But I need some time to just be.

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You answered my next question. I was going to ask if you wanted to compete.

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Tmwā€¦what can I substitute five finger grass with? Iā€™ll buy some if I need to but Iā€™m hoping to start my working before next month. Iā€™m a shitty prepper šŸ¤¦

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