That Moment When 8: Strange days stranger nights

Tmw my movie i ordered on amazon arrived yesterday, my red dead 2 game is downloading so i can play it after work tomorrow since friday is my day off, there is kittens in the backyard, and when i get paid next tuesday i gotta budget my grocery money, gas, and personal spending so mostly the rest will go to my mom bills.


This is so adorable!

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That reminds me I need to get my budget figured out.

My mom bought laying hens, and we already have a few died already. One was sick, the others got wet from a water container that broke. My mom saved the other ones, and there in a new box with a small bowl of water for now. My mom is depress about them dying.

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Give them a heat lamp, they need it really warm.

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We have one above there box, its fully on and its working…my mom is getting a refund from the defected water bottle

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The lamp needs to be closer. They might still be getting cold. I raised a bunch of ducklings and chicks and they lamp needs to be almost on them.


My mom is doing her best for these chicks

On another subject our roses are in full bloom

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If you want any tips with them I can totally help. That way she doesn’t lose more :two_hearts:

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Ill let her know thanks angel


You are so welcome chickens are easy and hard at the same time. Once I get settle I am getting some Easter egged hens for my own coop.

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I wanna see!

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Ill take a pic when i get back home…im going to prune and shave the thorns off so i can see if the resident ladies want a rose

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Tmw my dad fixed my ac in my car, and my mom got me paint test strips for my bedroom…and i get paid late monday night which means supporting my fave male OF content…i have messaged him a few times and he is really chill

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@Bunnygamer1994 Oooh I gotta see it when you take the pics. I love roses.

I think most of mine got killed by that last temp drop we had a couple weeks ago and none absolutely none of the stores I’ve been at have any rose bushes for sale (not even minis for Mother’s Day) so it looks like I won’t have any garden roses this year. The canes were green before it and brown now so probably no roses for me unless I buy cut ones.

Oh well. At least yours are alive and kicking :slight_smile:

Tmw i made my grocery list, cleared my dresser (just need to clear the top of it too) so i can get it out of my room, need to clean the fridge and freezer out, do dishes, and other things when i get off work tomorrow and enjoy my 2 days off tuesday and wednesday

tmw finding a partner in crime by accident over a common foe :relieved:


Lets see tomorrow through monday i work, and then again wednesday through sunday. At least ill get more money on my next paycheck i think.


Happy Friday the 13th!


TMW it came

On Friday the 13th!