That Moment When 8: Strange days stranger nights

I mean you could tell me. You would be surprised the stuff I believe. :joy:

Thanks love :two_hearts:

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Banish itā€™s not either.

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Great, then Sepheranz must be bored or something. Crap
Thanks for the heads up

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Youā€™re welcome. The Devine wonā€™t fake being Lucifer and Lucifer is unmistakable when he is there.


I did feel an intense hot presence, they said a few words and left. After there was still something remaining but they spoke and felt differently. So Iā€™m not really sure what that was about.
Iā€™m going to evoke Uriel and make sure its him and get to the bottom of this mystery

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Archangels are loud and proud. They announce themselves. So if you have a doubt it isnā€™t an Archangel.

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If itā€™s a first time they might even use the classic line ā€œfear notā€

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I got him. Crap. I hate my life somtimes. Can I dm you about Uriel please?

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Yea it might not be right ow. At this point I am
Avoiding a call and I canā€™t bare the migraine anymore.

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Want me to try and ease your pain some?

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Itā€™s my own doing at this point.

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I bought pumpkinā€¦and brie

I miss this boy so much that it physically hurts


Tmw the guy Iā€™ve been chatting with has ravens flying around his place

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Tmw you look through old posts and jokes and your cackling scares people

Tmw you tell one of your friends you practice the occult because she was curious about witches :joy:

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This site in a nutshell is this but they switch roles

Youā€™re strong galā€¦

Keep youā€™re chin upā€¦ Good and better things will happen.


I havnt seen him in about a month now and my birthday is coming up and i dont think i will be able to see him then, i messed up big time with my family and it caused him to get in trouble and i feel awful about it. Im trying ti fix things and just trying to stay positive but its hard, thank you though


That moment whenā€¦these two songs.

Boom! :exploding_head:

Sorry for the larpy. Have to!

Puts high heels back on, spreads gasoline on the concrete floor, starts walking towards the EXIT sign. Flicks match.

A temple burns.

I donā€™t look back.