That Moment When 7: Just Tears in the Rain

TMW when you just finished watching Midnight Diner so now you want to recommend it to everyone you meet and have them all up in their feelings too.

(Watch Midnight Diner: Tokyo Stories | Netflix Official Site)


Im experimenting. Attempting to make my own roasted almonds with chili oil and pink Himalayan salt.


That moment when…you don’t think the spirits are all that happy with you.



Please make an introduction to the forum before posting :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yeah…no :stuck_out_tongue:



Tmw fxck! I just have another of these visions where I heard that the time discomposess and the meaning is a general bad, really bad omen.
I haven’t had one since months, it scares me.

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TMW during drinking time a non occultist friend who obviously doesn’t know my dirty secrets mentions a horror book about Hell and how “you should read it, it describes Hell perfectly, you can “see” Hell, you can “smell” Hell” and I smile thinking “bitch, I’ve been in Hell, I’ve been in several of them”

Just being my same ol’ humanly self, I guess :man_shrugging:

i don’t know absolutely that they are unhappy with me, it’s just a feeling, but I’m kind of expecting to get an earful on my next evocation of a certain spirit lol

Oh well.

You could try using Question 21 about dreams from Tutorial, Napoleon's "Book Of Fate" aka The Empire Builder's Oracle to determine the meaning?

PM me if you want to share anything, there’s so much fuckery going on right now my inbox is open if anyone wants to share recent visions, dreams, weird gnoses etc., it will help me get multiple reads on what’s occurring. :+1:


They seem to be insane right now. I am never got so many in such a short period of time before.

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TMW someone keeps unplugging my diffuser. It looked like yesterday it was unplugged as soon as left the hours it was completely full.

Ex is back out and I have his keys soo IDK how…

Tmw when you do something stupid but realize your ex still blames you everything wrong in his life, which with how crappy it is I think I am a GOD.

TMW you get reminded alot of the friend you lost to suicide one year ago.
Then “Into the West” starts playing and all emotions break loose.
RIP dear friend.


What is going on?

We heard a rumour that a man is about to be Chosen, one among many, to have several assholes manifest all over his body so he can do all the pooping for all the demons in hell.

All we know so far is he’s got the letter “O” in his name x 3, but the omens beyond that have been difficult to read. :thinking:

If you spot any omens let me know. :+1:



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Tmw…need to do an all nighter again to get my work up to schedule…thank you flu season… :sweat:

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That moment when…the line of a song from a true crime show is doing circles in your brain and it won’t stop :scream:

“Something wicked this way comes.”

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Tmw you read the theory of Franz bardons initiation into hermetics and realize that you might not be cut out for magick just yet