That Moment When 7: Just Tears in the Rain

TMW want vanilla ice cream SOOOOO badly… and there’s none in the house! :sob:

(Also, not really carb day, but, damn…)


So posting pictures of vanilla ice cream here would be considered cruel right now?


That or food porn, could go either way. :laughing:


Ever considered , intermittent fasting for 16-20 hours at a time , then you have a window to eat whatever you want , instead of carb cycling

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I already do that most days, I have a small amount of food when I wake up with coffee then one main meal within 8 hours, I only eat again if there’s a good reason, like dinner out, or hard work, or just really starving for some reason. :thinking:

Carb-wise, I maintain around 80g - 100g net, and have one day a week where I try to get around 150g - 200g.

Ah, some things are sweeter than ice-cream, though… :innocent:

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I got you , the benefits come from the state your body produces after 16+ hours of no food, it starts feeding on junk and fat in your body as fuel , but that works

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You could try sparkling water , tea , or black coffee , in the morning 0 calories until 2-4 pm ,

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I’m usually within 6 hours, 8 is max, but I’ve done the rounds of fasting, keto, etc., and I found this way works best to prevent munchies kicking in, and yet retain enough body fat to not start slowing my menstrual cycle (TMI there, but an important indicator of health).

I have to be a bit careful because I topple over into alternating loss of appetite for long periods, then bingeing, used to be a bit of a champion at fucked up eating when I was younger so any “unlimited” eating window or anything longer than one large balanced meal could cause that to creep back in, and it’s a fuck to get rid of once it starts because the cure (carefully controlling food, timings, and macros) is almost identical to the “disease”! :laughing:

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Ah , I get that , the key is eating the least caloricslly dense foods if you are cutting weight , greens , salads , fruits , some grilled chicken and rice won’t hurt , almond milk , I had the opposite problem of 0 appetite but I still managed to fill out my frame in 2-3 years well

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TMW all the dog poo stations are out of bags. All 36 of them… and let we get nasty grams if they is poo around the complex… I have my own bags but I didn’t at this last walk! :woman_shrugging:t2:

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My weight’s okay, I’ve been doing a lot of stuff recently that for all kinds of reasons just calls for more energy, and more food, it’ll be pretty fucking ironic if I end up fat off that, but as a baseline I’m good, just need to stay in that sweet spot of balancing carbs/frequency/not going too extreme. :thinking:

I find coconut oil is useful as a non-food (iykwim) recharge, though sometimes I just had to hit the chocolate before or after, nothing else worked to support what I was doing (honest guv :laughing:).

But seriously, I did a whole “n=1” research project on it a while ago: Experiment Report : Sugar Loading Prior To Major Work


My methods of suppressing appetite are endless , if you ever need to suppress your cravings and need energy just take some preworkout ; honestly they’re good energy and increase my brain function

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So I finally got a chance to take out my crossbow and zero the scope. It’s hitting about an inch and a half low, but that’s fine for my setup.

I don’t really have a space I can shoot it at home, but I was at my dad’s for dinner today and they have 5 acres of land.


One of the sites I want to get conjured companions from, offers hellfire succubus and dark guardian succubus. I’m mildly intrigued but not enough to spend cash on them. Pyromancy isn’t that hard to learn for a succubus is it? And dont most if not all succubus know how to fight?

@Anziel_Merkaba ooh that sounds fun, I love target practice! I prefer guns however

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Yeah, I haven’t had the time/money to go through the hassle to purchase a gun yet.

The crossbow I got was like $100 when I got it. It’s some Chinese copy of a name brand crossbow from a few years ago.


Actually, apparently it’s a copy of the old Barnett Wildcat 2, which is apparently a design from the 80s. It’s pretty nice though so…


Sounds needlessly edgy and larpy tbh.


I think it’s a way to mark up prices. Apparently they’re a good conjurer according to reviews, yet I’m still finding shit that’s making me do a double take.
Just say they’re good at pyromancy or fighting, no need for the fake flowery bullshit.


Lets be real though, the people who go through another person like that aren’t always the most advanced of practitioners, and might not notice the difference between bullshit overjuiced servitor and actual spirit.


That’s why I plan on getting a spirit conjured and examining it, both by myself and with the help of others. I was thinking of getting a black flame warrior. I want to see for myself if he knows his shit like he proclaims