That Moment When 7: Just Tears in the Rain

I used to do Team beachbody back in the day there was a lot of routines that people did this. I only elimination diets to see what was causing flare ups.

If you do it intimately and not lien starve yourself I think it would be within the in. But just like I found this In Support I am sure I can find it against.

Try it and see how you feel, but don’t go exposing yourself to anything.


But there’s lots of contradictory stuff out there too and since each person is completely different there is no know what the real effect would be on you. - Pretty good resource for info


TMW it’s like meh whatever…

(Family being dicks)

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TMW I remember I trIed to make a low budget variety YouTube channel

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First I can’t get continue of myself emotionally. Now I feel like something is watching me through blacken tv and computer screens, mirrors and even just through windows. Who’s is it and what do you want?

Honestly the earth seems a little whacky and I am definitely feeling like an off balance Libra.

Time to center and rebalance…

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Tmw well, fresh snow has killed any hope of wild plants sprouting. Could be a couple weeks until I have an idea what is available.

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Just took a good picture of my sword. It’s 34 inches, or 86 centimeters, long. Damascus steel made of 1095 and 15n20, which is pretty standard for cheap damascus. And it’s got a nice leather sheath too.


Looks fine mate. Nice handguard too. Is it razor sharp both sides?

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It’s not razor sharp, but it’s about as sharp as you’d want a sword to be.


Funny you say that I just sharpened my dagger I got Lilith tonight

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Tmw the whole city is going to be on lockdown within another hour and people acting like zombies

Tmw you realize netflix is damn useless
They dont have good shows at all its just the good looking cover art

Well disney you need to take the lead now


Tmw first time in a long time that I was up at 5:30, did some chores around the house, and planned out meals for the day. All while enjoying a podcast on how British citizens made some sense of normal during the bombing raids of 1940.


What pod cast is that? My son is a history buff and really pulled to WWII he was just talking about the British bombings the other day. I wonder if this can show him now with the explain of the past :thinking:

Art of Manliness, one of my favorites. Covers history, life skills, relationships, etc. The one I mentioned is their latest which explores both British citizens as well as Churchill’s family and his inner circle during the 50 day bombing campaign

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Oh! This could be help to him over all. Since he is lacking the father figure in his life. Some stuff I just have no clue how to guide him.

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Definitely, check them out. The host actually tries to gear it both to adult men in general as well as families. Lots of articles as well and the podcast can be accessed both on the website, stitcher and spotify. I’m a fan of the more philosophy focused episodes

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Thank you, thank you, :blush:!!!


tmw…lockdown 'til 28th April at the very least :roll_eyes:
Quite a long time but days will pass anyway !

Tmw I have freshly made pancakes :grinning:…But no jam or syrup :sweat:

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