That Moment When 6: Happy Trails to TMW! I'll Hope to See You Soon!

sips coffee and keeps scrolling :coffee:


Folks, I am not even opening personal PMs today, I’m really busy. popping on for mod stuff because that’s usually fast and simple, but I would not be on otherwise, so am not replying to anyone, it’s nothing personal :smiley: just me practicing what I preach about time management and priorities.

Those of you have at TL3 will be aware of my basic routine. :woman_genie:

I’ll be back on and doing this shortly, my silence before then is (I repeat) nothing personal, just my method of scheduling, and if I open a PM it loses its unread status, which means it’s more likely to slip off the radar.


Love you too @Lady_Eva.

We’ll miss you while you’re not able to post stuff.

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Did it live up to expectations?

Lady_Eva has left the chat

tmw you make an undertale joke and become ostracized by the moderators for acting like an absolute moron.

Timeouts aren’t enough. Exorcise the imp at once.

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Eh, in case you didn’t see it I posted I am not replying to personal PMs right now - chillax. :slight_smile:

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I gotcha, but this was from a few days ago. I wasn’t aware that was the case then as well, But okay. We’re good.


Tmw when life feels complete watching your 4 year old watch Christmas Kitties in suits and dresses playing.

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Awww I want little ones so bad. I miss that kind of Christmas magic.


Tmw the annual winter shut down at work couldn’t come fast enough. I’ll actually have time to put up some decorations and think about what to cook for Christmas.


I haven’t even thought about Christmas dinner and I am hosting to :face_with_hand_over_mouth::shushing_face:

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Yeah, we get Dec 20th-Jan 2nd off, and a Christmas bonus tomorrow, too excited.


Oh boy lol it is a small event here so it will not be a lot of food on our end. But I try to add a new dish once a year

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That moment when…this seems like the perfect place for this (only 'cause you mentioned Christmas and I didn’t know where else to put it): :joy:


It’s small here too. I think I am going to be prime rib but idk what else.

I was thinking prime rib as well. Pork has gotten pricey. The new dish this year is orange banana bread but I am thinking of bringing back Æbleflæsh as it was a big hit

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My contribution to the Christmas table will be…HESBURGER CHICKEN NUGGETS!!!YAY!!! With homemade cheese sauce.
Salmon is the only christmasy food I actually like, so gotta improvise…


What’s this?

Go to Alaska and go fishing best salmon you will ever have. You can walk across them in many rivers too.

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