That Moment When 6: Happy Trails to TMW! I'll Hope to See You Soon!

Oh really? :thinking::thinking::thinking:

Yea but then again I wouldnā€™t knowā€¦I know there is a male entertainment thing in my state and some are kind of hot

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Thatā€™s have traveling oneā€™s here. They come to my area a few times a year.

I would imagine there is, especially if there is a market for it. Probably something you would need to call a strip club to get possible leads for

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I think how you think. If not maybe this is a business I should look intoā€¦ Now where to find the talent :joy::thinking:

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Lol college students would be my best guess. After ensuring they are of age, they would be the ones needing money more often than not. Training both in the art and maintaining safety would be more of an issue. Possibly a little self defense courses mixed in for good measure

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Maybe you should go into the business too you have this well thought out!

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Lol maybe. Iā€™ve had time to think about how to proceed in multiple businesses, some less accepted than others throughout life. Comes from growing up in poverty and there were quite a few different illegal markets around if you catch my drift. But what we are talking about is a completely different matter as it is legal if proceeded correctly. The owner would likely need to talk to the client to ensure they are of age as well

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Kinda like the party bookings. Though this would be something else.

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Yup, pretty much. Probably would charge the initial cost right there and allow the stripper to keep the tips. Then give a percentage of the original charge to the stripper as well as a base pay. Basically, run it like paying waiters at a restaurant (at least here in the US). By charging the client there, you eliminate the need of a runner to carry the cash to you while also eliminating the risk of your dancers carrying all the money (assuming you donā€™t allow credit card payments) and getting robbed. A little insurance policy. The only issue would be that you would need to not only trust that your guy would show up or you have a back up in case they get sick or cannot come for whatever reason. Otherwise, you will have to refund.

Edit: wow, I put more thought into this than I realized

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Recently did a tarot spread for my mom and its pretty accurate on her


You really are. We might be on to something here.

TMW after trial and tribulationsā€¦


TMW your new Daemon tarot is awesome and Astarte has a message for everyone.

Duke / Duchess - Astraroth / Astarte seemingly wants to say hello today! This card I personally interpret is a reminder to everyone that donā€™t lose your power to circumstances from either life or by others, youā€™re not the victim but the survivor. Stay strong!!! ( thank-you for your wonderful message Astarte :black_heart: )


TMW I think I just broke my nigh toe try to the kid because he wasnā€™t responding and the bath water was running. Kids ok my foot is killing me.

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Hope itā€™s just a hard stub and not anything worse. Give it a bit and see if it still hurts.

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Did you make these?

I bent it under when I got up to run to the bathroom and it took me down but for a second. Itā€™s still sore but I can eight bare on it so thatā€™s a plus.

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Yep I sure did


They look awesome!