That Moment When 5: It's dead Jim

Amazon…why won’t you lower price for food or let members who don’t have access to prime to be allowed use of prime pantry

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Tmw you are thinking about your finacial situation and Lucifuge keeps popping up despite never working with him. I was going to do some working with mammon on the issue, but Lucifuge keeps popping up with every unfortunate surprise that lightens my wallet into oblivion. Guess it is time to listen and strike a deal


I’ve been there more times than I care to recall :smile_cat:
An ebook is part of the tentative plans, right now it’s a matter of fleshing out my system and methodology in to a coherent product from assorted rituals and incantations that others could make use of for path working.

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Update me whenever its ready to be purchased :+1:t2:


Tmw when you say fuck it, draw lucifuge’s sigil on your body, activate it with breath and his enn, and put it out there that “hey, I need some help in building my empire and am listening. If you’re interested, let’s become intuned and let me know what you want so this exchange is not one sided”.


Tmw you are thinking of painting the sigils of each gate keeper to mount on my wall as I work with them, binding the sigil of each spirit of the Qliphoth (if they allow it) to be worn on my left hand and doing the same for the spirits of the Kabbalah for another ring on my right hand.


An option for rings would be to use their associated metals and engrave their names on the inner side of the band. If you’re familiar with mudras, each finger also has an associated element, which would allow you to tailor which aspects you work with primarily.


Tmw you suddenly perceive the hidden meaning behind a song you’ve been listening to for years…



Maybe because a company that took serious interest in putting workers in cages dgaf about you? :thinking:

Amazon may have dropped the plans, but that should not come as a surprise. The company doesn’t need a robotic cage for workers – it already has one of the most all-pervasive control systems in history. In its huge warehouses, workers carry hand-held computers that control their movements. A wristband patented by the company (but which is not yet in use) can direct the movement of workers’ hands using “haptic feedback”. Stock pickers in Amazon warehouses are watched by cameras, and workers have reportedly been reduced to urinating in bottles in order to hit their targets, and they are constantly reminded of their productivity rates. Investigations by journalists have also exposed a worryingly high level of ambulance call-outs to Amazon warehouses in the UK.


This is so surreal it is almost hilarious.
People are insane.


That moment when…you can actually feel your energy body awakening :flushed:


TMW you do the sol -astral meditation followed by micha’s alchemical ram to Amaymon and r hen after Lucifer Amaymon evocation last night I dream that I am blackened. As in death .
I awoke sense that I will be reborn fired to gold.
Morgana speaks


TMW gym is hard so you use astral n power to increase your stamina & strength

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Okay thats hardcore xp.
I once dreamed that i played with my linkcable as nunchucks in the classroom and all of a sudden it rained cola lolly pops.
that was just weird af


@Dralukmun … Haa yes love it.
During the Azazel path I’m going to draw his other sigil on my body daily. Get the hint

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Ughhhh I can smell that title… pork… :nauseated_face:

In other news, look at this little flowey growing in my garden, so pretty…


Yeah, it was a very interesting experience at work. Had a few minor possession moments and walked around with a very cold, business mindset. He did not take over during my meeting at the end of the day but I was overwhelmed with a strong thought of “this is tedious”

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Tmw I think having a little Medieval peasant food would be nice this weekend. Some salmon, a bit of beans with leeks and bacon, maybe a green of some sort, some rye bread and a nice beer sounds lovely in comparison to the usual. It is funny that the foods that were once looked down in distain in the past are now considered “high end”.


To my liking”. Not “of my liking”.

I guess someone better rip this badge from her then?


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the six of bows