That Moment When 5: It's dead Jim

Tmw you actually got a compliment for a good job from the big wig that never compliments anyone.


Ps… Added more :laughing: got 12 more gems and another 6 candles to make sure I have at least 6 of every color :joy:


To whit posts: hahahahahahahahahahshahahahshahshaàn

Their soo tiny

Once I have more funds I’ll be getting some larger gems. I have the smaller ritual candles due to where I am living.

Joys of being held back by one person in household. :unamused::sweat_smile:

…I actually might have to do something like that. I tend to run out of black candles.

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TMW you’re eating a sandwich.


I can go shopping for you there are soooo many stores in the Tampa Bay Area. I haven’t even gone to the one I really want to go to.:kissing_heart: Send me you’re $$$ i’ll Spend it say’s the libra :joy:

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:joy: of course you would… Although I’m sure you have more there then I do where I am. We know the Aries in my likes to play with fire :laughing:.

Totally need to come down there sometime. @Angelb1083

TMW u step on a crack while n remember parables are made up bullshit


Azazel…is everywhere and i feel him everywhere.


TMW when my mother is cursing nonsense n I just simply shut off the phone

I’m sorry but what??

Yes come down we have theme parks and tourist traps, but it has to be In October. Ya know my birthday and Halloween events since no one goes with me here…

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TMW you come up with useful insight: if I either rush a spell/ritual (interruptions aside) or get tired of repeating as a mantra “(Spirit) grant me X”, I’m the one who gave up, pursuing other “things”, and decided it was a fail.

Tmw fml, Demons of Magic is $42 for a new copy and $30 for a used copy on Amazon. I was going to buy it as a gift for my wife, as I heard that is a good beginner book on demonic evocation, but that’s a little pricey

I stock up on my black, white, purple, and next will be red :laughing:. Lots and lots of red.

My favorite time of year and oh the fun we can have. :smirk::wink::kissing_heart:

Tmw I brush my hair and the ends of it are at my tits…yup I need a hair cut

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Wife: so am I dread locking your hair?
Me: no, not now.
Wife: well, then what are going to do with it? You already have a good ponytail going.
Me: keep it as it is so at work when i am really pissed, I can let it come down and look more like a mini berserker than usual