That Moment When 5: It's dead Jim

Maybe not you but the one saying you were doing something weird and the one doing the punch may think they are? :woman_shrugging:t2:


Tmw you missed free readings by @Lady_Eva :sob:

a “man” would have turned his fist into the person hitting him right away,
and not walked home,
layed down calmly into his Ritual space,
taken possession of the guy that was misbehaving,
and turning the situation into something more desirable for himself.

a “man”,
would’ve been to impulsive to walk away from it pretty much unimpressed. :wink:

The fist i used,
wasn’t mine,
it was that of his friend. :wink:

great interruption. :blush:




Sorry :sweat_smile: I didn’t mean to interrupt anything

So how is everyone doing :heart:

I missed when I read did you know these boys personally? Or where they just drunks on the street?


Just drunkheads.
and it happened right around the corner of the red-light district,
which I live across the street to. :wink:

to their luck,
i haven’t seen them before. :blush:



You’re able to edit my Post,
because i Wikify most of my Posts,
to further edit them,
after having saved the first version of it.

Due to the extent and amount i write,
it became a habit,
which reliably saves me,
from having to re-write,
or skip complete pages of content.

We’re both TL3,
that’s why you have access to it.

Hope that solves your question.


ty my dood

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Hi I’m new to this forum

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Hey. You need to make an introduction post with your magick history and what you want to get out of the forum :blush: it’s a rule

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Hopefully, they learn and you never see them again or they treat you with the respect you deserve. :smile:

Ungrateful boys all you were doin was being kind and helping.


and if you look back at it,
you’ll see,
that i wrote you a quick explanation,
to why that is.



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Sorry :sweat_smile:

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I’m DAngelo Campbell(hate the name)so just call me Asturel Clovd,18 yr old born in Jamaica ,magick made a big impression on me mainly the left hand path but never evoked any spirits but find surprisingly easy to meditate and manifest what I need.i am interested in king paimon ,Lord lucifer and goddess lilith ,as a young age (age 6)learn the bible is a brain washing tool,so from that time I was determined to find the truth which led me on BALG so guess you u can call me a green leaf turning over a new page,I just learn about magick as I go along from you guys here which lead one step to becoming my higher self

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This sorta works but it’s supposed to be a separate topic. You can just copy and paste this one into a new topic.

Thanks I will

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Nah thank you lol

Tmw part of your job is carding people, and sometimes it amazes you how some of these old farts are still alive. XD


TMW you scratch your head about yourself and how you are even able to go through the day with approx. 4-5 hours of sleep each night for weeks now :neutral_face:


Imagine walking in a forest and you hear this.
Magpies are amazing. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart_eyes:


Tmw you are at work, and and need to do a ritual. Luckily, I have some unoccupied rooms upstairs that I was able to duck into.

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