That Moment When 5: It's dead Jim

Tmw you finish you Friday meditation & blood offering with belial on time & not to late


yea indeed .
In somalia it is perfectly legal too to give circumsition to a woman which is just horrific.
like the fucking legal system has the right to decide over the body of living creatures…


How do they even sleep at night? Literally, cats will happily run around the house at midnight.

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Doomsday talk it’s not bad or good it’s dark bc of self reflections. Loosing something or what have you generally indicates you have “something” borrowing.
Other times its your cleansing time
There is about to be a shift in reality. … again

Totally agree circumcision for either sex human or animal it’s like someone convinced other pple it’s hygiene in older times it was for fucking religion.
And pple ask me why I hate religions…


Just a bit of my Ever Burning desires came out of me and i wanted to express it,But i will rise my empire.


Not only in Somalia. Coptic christians practice this too. Sick fucks! It brings something out of me… I scare myself.


Exactly. It’s a blood sacrifice.

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Good for you @Xag_darklight

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Yes it is getting the sleeping ones to obey your will and you are both sacrificing their spirit and the blood

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Same here brother

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Fucking subhuman scum


Yes. I never understood why in the US it is common practice to circumcise, here it’s only done by jews, muslims or for medical reasons. But the numbers for mutilating little baby boys are declining so that’s good.


Its fucked up they do it for boys but it is freaking HORRIFIC they do that with young girls.
If i could get my hands on the pieces of shit that do that to a woman… man…


So many things I wanna say but I think I better keep my mouth shut and respect the forum rules. :roll_eyes:


Tmw this communism ad that keeps showing up is really ironic and irritating btw.:confounded::laughing:


In my med class it was wise to help due to over production of smegma and also if the skin is to tight on the head making it hard for erection and peeing and you can’t pull the foreskin back.

Plus if my history is correct, maybe not but in ancient Egypt it was practice for young boys to be circumcised to be able to be a man.


It was theorised by some to copy the “gods” who were born with no foreskin.
Other theory us it was just a common practice or a Choice.
Think all theories all related bs though

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Those are medical reasons. The smegma bs… if you teach your children proper personal hygeine, it’s not an issue at all.


Yea plus guys flaunt if there cut or uncut…idk what that means though