That Moment When 4: Goodnight Sweet TMW!

I rarely post or let anyone here or anywhere see my (current/finished/good) stuff. But if anyone happens to get their hands on it and butcher it, their welcome to fuck themselves up.


hear,hear :beers:

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Agreed. My issue is when people who should know better teach it to those who don’t know better yet because they are still learning the basics of magick much less whatever higher level stuff someone wants to pretend to know. Then it is like giving crack to small children and saying it is sugar.


I think it also bugs me to watch other’s seeing this happening and instead of saying, “Don’t do that” they joke or just walk away. It might be Hippy to most on this forum to actually care about those just starting out and learning instead of trying to maim them for fun, ya know?


The nature of left hand path is that the ones not suited for it are forced out, one way or another. Doing stuff you don’t understand or are not ready for is naturally gonna go bad for some people.


Why i wouldn’t take on a human as a mentor.




Yeah but sometimes it is hard to do such. Sometimes the rules can get in the way of publicly warning against a certain individuals faulty practices or stuff is happening elsewhere and you only hear about it when you have to fix some poor sod that got caught up in it. Addressing said individuals privately also rarely helps against certain kinds as they could just explain it away as personal truth and try to cast the blame on an inept student. It gets very complicated and the very same means of hopefully keeping order become the same red tape preventing proper measures from being taken. Yet it would be so much worse without those means of order. Either got to grit your teeth and bear it through and hope they meet their just rewards and stop or take other action and except possibly detrimental consequences and take one for the team in some cases. Really messed up when this starts to happen to places and while it usually doesn’t last it can tarnish reputation for a long time after the trouble has been cleared up and resolved.

I am still on the fence on how far I want to take my own measures against this because we have all been beginners before and with that knowledge I know I would hate someone leading me astray in such a way back in those delicate learning and growth stages. Some of these people have no proper reference yet to identify this bullshit either so you can’t always even fully blame them for being gullible or stupid and more just uninformed. You can’t blame a child for believing someone older who lies to them for personal gain.


The problem with human mentors is partially that beginners are in no way qualified to figure out who would be a good mentor, for them or even just in general. A good teacher is awesome to have, but a bad one can ruin your progress for a long while.


so true :frowning:




Thank you Oddnan.
What’s the matter @Sovereign ?


I really want a proper diet that will benefit me both physically and psyhcially,madam.


Send me a pm with the issues that trouble you, and potential symptoms you are getting, as well as your current diet and lifestyle please.


My recommendation less processed foods, plenty of meat, seafood, and fresh fruits and vegetables. Focus specially on mushrooms, honey, peppers, seaweed, and more wholesome unprocessed meats like steak, pork, etc. Try to stay away from cheap lunch meats and hotdogs etc, your choice of fresh seafood is good. You want lots of protein, omega -3, and all the minerals. You need to give the raw materials for your body to build new structures to adapt the energy currents.

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That moment when a spirit brings you 57$ in the form of a dropped bank envelop on the sidewalk and you with morals and trying to get a promotion you turn it in.

On the bright side if no oneone claims it within a week I get to keep it


Thank you man,I really appreciate this.You know you cant do propar magick let alone miraclulous results if you dont even have energy for singke task.

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Ewww my stepdad is making sardine sandwiches :cold_sweat::dizzy_face:

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Yeah once your body has had time to adjust and build the structures needed you will be a lot more conductive energy wise with less resistance and wear and tear so it will take less energy and effort to do workings and drain you less. I find zinc, iron, and protein for me are the key ingredients I need more than anything else to really keep the body functioning. You might also notice after some time of adapting you don’t need to eat nearly as much and eat far less than before but with no detriment as you become more efficient. I recommend some yoga each night before bed to relax and release the muscle tension as well. Some quick push ups and sit ups in the morning to get the initial wake up moving along and get some extra exercise. Also for showers try taking a cold shower and then using warm water only at the end if at all.


Thats some franz bardon shit right here :sweat_smile:
Thanks again,thinking about that yea I really need some minerals and vitamins for my body.

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