That Moment When 3

not passive aggression, just confusion


Azazel again… He blowed my mind
he wants me to see his shadow and chaos kindgoms and how to utilise my black flame and merge with my demon self


Tmw magick got you Fucked psychologically but also got you a check with lots of zeros on it :woman_shrugging:


Good, Rin, good :smiling_imp:

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Tmw you see your Dead grandmas body, go into trance, and it looks like she is still breathing

I saw her chest move
Like she was sleeping
Freaky shit


That moment when you’re struck with inspiration to cook cheese and eggs together and it is delicious.


TMW … you learn there is a god of chocolate :heart_eyes::chocolate_bar:


Eggs go great with alot of things. Kimchee fried rice with egg ontop.


TMW your 70-ish worth of last years extra hours should be paid to you this month but the extra hours mysteriously vanished from your digital time account.
TMW some funny intuition told you by the end of 2018 to print that shit, just in case.
In your face, time account. In your face.


So they cant dispute it, right?! :smiley:


Nope. But they were willing to do so if I weren’t able to proof it this way.
I am weighing my loyalities now.


W-who is this divine and most lustrous deity, and how may we evoke Him/Her??? :heart_eyes_cat:


TMW more conspiracy theories become comspiracy FACTS:

On Wednesday, the Defense Intelligence Agency released a list of 38 research titles pursued by the program in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by Steven Aftergood, director of the Federation of American Scientists’ Project on Government Secrecy.


TMW I happen across this funny youtube clip. Fyi I have noticed alot of people getting into black magick on forums seem to be lonely. So this is for all you people thinking of meeting people online; in some other cases you could even be meeting a psycho. I just learned what a Catfishing is:


Annd this one is more indepth where this film crew goes to interview a bunch of Catfish Weirdo’s. Doesnt this make you guys just not want to meet people online?

That and this thread Is it possible to ascend for someone else? make me just fucking glad I have never had to seriously date online or make a living from having a YouTube. People who are both broken and destructive seem all over this shit.


Should be noted that conversely it is entirely possible to meet some wonderful people online especially if you are stuck in less savory places to meet people physically. Places like small towns that shouldn’t even exist in the modern day but do for some inconceivable reason.


Yeah that can be true. But that alone should be an incentive to move to where there is more opportunity. Like Big Cities; that is their natural attraction anyway. At some point your gonna have to physically meet the person amyway. May as well cut to the chase and do that first and cut out the online aspect, unless you know them in real life.

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I agree. I would have never gotten all this occult knowledge without joining this forum. But if you have put your pics. videos on the internet then you are vulnerable to Black Magicians. It’s common sense. If you are aware about magick then Can have some protective measures.

At the end of the day it’s a dangerous world, not need to unnecessarily panic. Bad thing will happen anyway . LOL


Sometimes moving is not possible at first or very impractical. Though such means of meeting vary by people. My boyfriend and I met online and are in the process of consolidating resources to move in together. This is a long ongoing relationship too and not some spur of the moment thing.
I also met one of my best friends online in a weird way though we have also met astrally since in random projections. He is a great magician as well. Ultimately you shouldn’t let it limit you and the best way to tell is to see what they want from you and follow your instincts. Many do have social issues that make meeting people online easier for them to build up confidence before meeting anyone physically too.
Just saying to not discount as you can make many great friends who you would otherwise never be able to meet just by differences of where you live. Common sense is key as well as actually getting to know people. If you feel your getting to know them well enough video chats are good. If they still fool you well you would get fooled in person too anyways.