That Moment When 3

Maybe nobody mentions it being wrong because everyone is just fine putting up and shutting up. If more men and women stood up against the extremist oppression of BOTH when it happens…
instead of silencing those who do, the problem would fade.


You know…not in one day…but eventually.


I took out a 2-way conversation but if you want to feel persecuted, have fun. :+1:


I dont feel persecuted. If you removed both, thats fine.

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Can we just get back onto the occult instead of arguing please?

Also, TMW you make a thread about UPG…




Tmw The Headless Rite is like Magic on Steroids :ok_hand:


@charles9 that’s hilarious.

It’s more about the spheres of influence and sources of their power that makes them more or less powerful… And you must remember that power isn’t everything. A whisper can move mountains.


Doesn’t that mean the whisper is more powerful than the mountains?
I think the perception on power is rather skewed to it being solely a quantifiable level of energy like you would see in DBZ or such when really power is more a measure of control and influence over the self and the universe in general whether that includes huge amounts of energy or extremely efficient skill with little energy expended.


@Kulina8, @Micah, @Lady_Eva.

In Hinduism, it is the feminine power that awakens the masculine power. After Shiva lost his love, Sati. He retreated into meditation for thousands of years. Brahma looked at the world and saw that it had lost its luster. It was stagnant, because Shiva was not destroying, Brahma could not create. For thousands of years it was like this, an age of stagnation.

So, Brahma asked Shakti to awaken Shiva, because only she was capable of doing it. She incarnated as Parvati, who was inflamed with love for Shiva. She put flowers between his fingers and toes and fantasized that he would awaken and embrace her. She meditated for thousands of years as well. She meditated while standing with one foot on hot coals, she meditated while standing with one foot on cold snow. And Shiva became aware of her powerful presence, and she aroused him from his meditation and they made love. The divine feminine was the only thing capable of arousing the divine masculine from stagnancy.

Likewise, in Slavic mythology, the divine feminine is also the one who arouses the divine masculine. It is after Bog Veles steals Boginya Mokosh from Bog Perun that Bog Perun becomes an active participant in the events of Yav, the world of men.

And, while Xhors Dazhbog is definitely a male bog of the Sun. In Slavic folklore, the Sun is feminine while the moon is masculine instead. The Sun is the supreme feminine power in the world, because it is what makes Prav, the realm of the bogi and heroes, sacred; and it’s what makes our fire upon Yav sacred as well.

I just wanted to put it out there for the purpose of discussion.

Slava Bogum


@anon47923162 what it means is that the proper application of a limited amount of power can be more productive than just throwing a larger amount of power at whatever you’re trying to do.

A whisper into the ear of the right person can create great results, such as moving a mountain.


Suppose it depends on your definition of power. Mine is the ability to get things done so if the whisper accomplished more than a lot of energy being expended the whisper had more power to it.



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Thank you. I am familiar with the story and its a lovely one. Not the Slavic one though…had not heard that one. …glad you shared.

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It’s one of the few myths that we still have from the Slavic folklore, so I’ve put it to memory. I’m glad you enjoy it. :smile:

Slava Bogum


That moment when you’re on ice trying to cut the passing lane of the d-man, and you get hit with the puck to your cheek. “Eating the puck”… :joy::joy:


TMW … your realize your emotions are all over the place. One minute angry the next sad the next ok … wtf…


Tmw…its little under 2 hours till the blood moon is at its peak. Time to get to work.:full_moon:


TMW you start your first of many blood moon rituals and it’s a pact signing and then you see a flash of light and your candle cracks in half and the voice laughs and says.

" Behold your empire shall arise ".

Then leaves this behind

:thinking: Hmmm …

One rite down few more to go :smiling_imp::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Your senses have kicked up 11 notches :smiling_imp: