Thanks to the great duke Sallos

Hi everyone.
This is a post to reward the Duke Sallos from the Lesser Key.
I had promised him that i would spread word of him if he helped me out.
He delivered on ALL accounts, within 2 weeks of asking him, and I’m keeping my word, tonight.

What I had asked for: To find me a single beautiful girl, of sound mind, with no previous attached baggage(emotional blocks caused by past experiences, ex still in picture, Jealous competitors, etc. type of annoying things), who takes care of herself physically, emotionally calm, and is of the non drama kind who would put me FIRST in her list of priorities. And I wanted all this in a month.

Long list, right? Sound too impossible?
Apparently, Sallos didn’t think so.

What I did: A simple universal centering, pore breathing of vital energy which shifted my consciousness from my physical body ,to my body of light(this was damn hard to maintain, in fact, right after I gave the call to Sallos, this state broke and I didn’t regain it for the rest of the ritual).
A hand drawn sigil on a white A4 sheet paper. A white candle.
Concentrated on the sigil and fed it accumulated vital energy until i felt it come alive.
Stated my request.
When I was done, I sprayed the last of a very valuable cologne I had, over the sigil, as a pre-offering, promising to spread word of him if he succeeded in his task. I placed the candle with his name engraved on it on a coin which was in turn placed upon his sigil, and I let the candle burn out throughout the night.
Surprisingly, the next morning, the wax DID NOT cause the coin to stick to the sigil, in fact it came off quite easily, and a curious pattern was formed by the wax on top of the sigil, with a part of the paper burnt off resembling, of all things A CROWN. a very weird one, but UNMISTAKABLY a crown.
I took the coin, and something prompted me to carry it around in my wallet.

What I got: Within 10 days I met this girl. VERY pretty, sweet voice, always smiling and very, very kind. I’m 22 she’s 21. We’ve been dating for 2 months and she is EVERYTHING I asked for(and trust me, I went to great pains to find out if Sallos had delivered exactly to my specifications). She’s PERFECT.
I cannot have ended up with a girl like that. Period. Not short selling myself or anything, but it’s the truth. Not unless a girl like that had serious mental and self esteem issues. And this one doesn’t.

Just as I had asked.

Anyone who wants to avail the service of this spirit, I heartily recommend him to do so. He is extremely efficient at what he does.

Thank you, Sallos.


Thank you very much for detailed description of the ritual! I’ve decided to give it a go as well. I performed it around 2-3 weeks ago and I am still waiting for the results though I imagine it might take a while longer since the relationship I am interested in is more long distance. So far there were some positive changes but I’m not there yet.

Should I perform ritual once more to speed it up or try something else without interfering with the current flow of events?

[quote=“yaldaba0th, post:2, topic:4623”]Thank you very much for detailed description of the ritual! I’ve decided to give it a go as well. I performed it around 2-3 weeks ago and I am still waiting for the results though I imagine it might take a while longer since the relationship I am interested in is more long distance. So far there were some positive changes but I’m not there yet.

Should I perform ritual once more to speed it up or try something else without interfering with the current flow of events?[/quote]

Update: I have attempted the ritual once more to learn more about the state of affairs. Sallos has stated it might take a while longer but that the results will be seen shortly. Lastly I believe I’ve learned something new from lord Sallos. The love is not about obsession but rather about possession. The caster must possess the other person with his own will and personality rather than hope the other party will become obsessed with the caster. I believe that lord Sallos has hinted that although he can assist with love the only way to ever truly experience love is to empower yourself rather than the ritual.


Seems like easy enough sigil magick. Keep us posted on how it works out