This is a continuation of a post I’ve made couple of days ago called Santa Muerte - work in progress. So the story goes like this. 3 days ago I read a post of a user in here, also giving thanks to Santa Muerte and got really inspired by his story and decided to try it. So I lit a red candle, pulled up a picture of her, offered rose wine and cigarettes and prayed to Santa Muerte to bring back my ex. The next morning I found a white feather on the kitchen floor next to the table where I set up an altar. Went to work and when I got back, poured the glass of wine in the ground outside and left the cigarettes there too. Then again I lit a candle, offered a glass of rose wine, a glass of vodka, cigarettes and some weed. Talked to Santa Muerte again and this time a little closer. As I was speaking, I felt a tingly sensation in my cheeks and my ears. Got to bed, went to work, got back again and took the glasses of wine and vodka outside, poured them into the ground and left the cigarettes and weed outside. Got back upstairs with the intention of praying some more and just casually checked my phone and low and behold, message from my ex. Literally I started crying and shaking but didn’t read it. I than thanked Santa Muerte from the bottom of my heart as best as I could and offered rose wine, vodka, cigarettes, weed and some chocolate and again told her that I will uphold the end of my bargain for life, which is to spread the word, offer her gifts and find out as much as possible about her and her culture. In addition I offered to draw her, although it will take some time because I hadn’t practiced for years and to tattoo her sigil which is something I plan on doing in the future as I don’t have the means right now.
Anyway, on to the message now. Long story short, she said she regrets everything and wishes that we could be together but feels she can’t right now and also doesn’t see herself doing it, although it kills her inside. Something like that. Kinda broke my heart a little but at least that’s the first ray of light I’ve seen in almost 2 months. I am determined to keep working on this angle and won’t stop praying and believing even if it will be a long road of ups and downs, although I would prefer it not to, hahaha.
I will try and update whenever something happens and to the people reading this, never feel discouraged. If you truly want something and your intentions are pure, it will happen. Although I’ve not reached the end, I will keep on hoping and fighting, because that’s what I know to do best. Also, if there’s anyone who would like to share their story or offer advice, you’re more than welcome. I love this forum and this community.