Teras390- The Vampire Chronicles (Pathworking Draugadróttin by N.D Blackwood)

Entry date: 2021-09-16T22:00:00Z

Hello. As you may have noticed if you have stalked my profile. I have various journals most of which are incomplete. The reason why is that I was pulled elsewhere or something unforeseen happened, etc. that will not be the case with this one. I know it’s hard to trust considering my track record but you’ll see. As per usual I won’t tell or show the sigils/seals/gateways or anything inside the Grimoire as that is copyright infringement. I also won’t tell the steps of the exercises and such, unless I discover or create something of my own. I will however, talk very generally regarding the experiences, sensations and effects and results. I will take one to two exercises at a time to not overwhelm myself and this stopping the journal mid-way. With that said here is the first entry.

Breathing exercises:

There are some exercises in the beginning of the book. One of which deals is called organ breathing. The thing with this exercise of you have to learn to absorb energy with every part of you on demand and quickly. You start with inhaling and then exhaling while focusing on a specific body part and then keep doing it until you’ve done it with every major organ and body part. You start with seven breaths and then keep increasing one breath a day until you reach 30. Then another step is to do the same thing but absorbing energy of the immediate environment instead. I combined these two exercises. Here is the result so far

I am 15 breaths of 30 in the first exercise. And one difference that I add that wasn’t said in the text is I added the kidneys into the organ breathing exercise. When doing this imagining on the inhale that f.e the skin on your hand inhales with you, and when you’re exhaling, the same area exhales with you. Based on personal experience, it produces a very strange and oxymoronic sensation. Meaning on one hand you feel very energized like the body part you focus on gets very much charged with a buzzing sensation, yet the same body part feels very relaxed. You’ll see what I mean when you do this. I imagined on the inhale small, bright white particles coming inside the hand f.e on the inhale and on the exhale it stayed there being absorbed inside the tissue. cool thing is it should internally increase the light of the aura without your having to imagine it or anything.

A nice way of keeping the focus while doing this is keeping the tip of your tongue pressed against the roof of the mouth. This isn’t new if you ever tried mindfullness you’ve likely done this. While mentally counting the cycle should keep you on track rather easily. The tactile sensations will likely trigger visuals as I am not a visual person I am a kinestetic and focusing on sensations trigger visuals for me. Maybe it does for you too.

This entry is a bit sloppy but it will be more structured for the next entry which should be done later today. As the previous sessions was yesterday.

I’ve completed the three days exercise called the Magnetic Gaze. It has the function amount other things to lower people’s defenses, you can even partially make people or animals docile if done correctly for 15-20 minutes of uninterrupted gazing. I haven’t tested it yet on animals or humans yet but I will. The thing is you gaze at a specific geometric shape for varying degrees of minutes for a certain amount of sets. Until you get up to about 20-30 minutes. Gazing one-two minutes on the shape without blinking seemingly. Then you rest to your eyes and repeat the process.

General experiences during the three day period: For me the shape became static but it didn’t disappear. Like it would be the case with evocation - opening a sigil. Here it was more focusing on the shape but without straining your eyes it’s like you’re focusing your gaze in the middle of the shape, but at the same time you’re looking through it. One result I noticed after doing this exercise for three consecutive days, is that I notice details on f.e leafs further away than I used to in the past. I needed to be about an inch or so away. Not it seems to be 4 inches away; roughly 10cm, another example; is that I can even notice the pores on someone’s skin about 1.5 meters away. I didn’t see those things before. So a slight visual improvment seem to have happened. Despite it being somewhat counterintuitive. But I am not a doctor so I wouldn’t know to be honest.

That’s it for now. Hopefully it was interesting enough to read. Enjoy.



The above is nothing but my own personal notes and experiences. The notes and sensations, etc. can of course be viewed as claims and UPG. I don’t expect you to trust me on this. Neither should you. If you decide to get your hands dirty and aquire the book :closed_book:, and actually commit to the stuff in there; then we can compare our notes. That way we can see if we experience the same thing the same way or similarly, regarding this path and it’s mysteries.

As general rule of my journals, I’ll do my very best to keep these journal as close to being neutral, unbiased and truthful, when I’m documenting my experiences as I can. Meaning I’ll do my best to not exaggerate my experiences; engage in hyperbole or making promises. You’ll see for yourself if I am right or not eventually when you find your way into this system of magick. Next thing I’ll update other than the organ breathing is absorbing stellar energy/energy of the stars. And compare draining this way with f.e draining people using astral tendrils. As I am sure it will be different. This way I am holding myself accountable to update the journal as often as possible so you know what the next entry might be.



Organ breathing - Update #2

As you can ser by the entry date I didn’t complete the update the day before yesterday. Reason why is I was visiting friends in a different town so it was difficult finding enough time to sit down and do this particular exercise. But today I completed the 16 breaths out of 30 so here was the results;

Like last time doing this the exercise produced a somewhat polar feelings of being very relaxed yet feeling very energized. The skin and the organs was buzzing a bit more but not more than that. Also what I noticed today that I haven’t noticed in the past is that this seems to trigger similar reactions in auric field like energy work. What do I mean? Well at least if you follow tactile imaging formula by Robert Bruce then that form of energy work can trigger “memories” inside you auric field as you release blockages. As memories has a tendency along with sensations, traumas, influences etc. tend to stick somewhere along your energetic makeup. And when a knot is untied this can trigger images of past events and such which can be a bit traumatic if it is fresh or unresolved.

Without saying too much. Today there were multiple instances of that same trigger when absorbing energy from the immediate environment into the lungs; kidneys and heart throat. I have several unresolved traumas which I need to deal with, most of which I won’t talk about on here unless it’s dealt with or actually matters for the content of the journal.

A tip that helped me get a deeper “pull” is to focus on the abdomen expanding as much as possible; when energy is going in that is. Thereby breathing more slowly and taking in more prana. I have a tendency to hold my breath sometimes and I am also a chest breather, which is not too good for multiple of reasons. But I am working on changing that by taking 10 breaths whenever I notice I hold my breath or when someone else does. This takes a lot of work to change but it’s greatly beneficial to do this to increase the intensity of this exercise too.



Preface: I didn’t update yesterday because I didn’t have the energy to be honest plus I had to take care about things in home and such so i.e. daily life ruined the update but here it is regardless. Despite the entry date being made today, I still did them the date that’s presented below. I know this because I make vlogs that I won’t put out on here anymore that tells me the date. So without further ado, here we go; in the update below I was 17 of 30 breaths in.

Organ Breathing - Update #3


Notes and experiences: at this time I was sitting inside my living room on the couch, the living also is my temple space until I manifest a new home that will have more room so to speak. It’s the same routine as before as detailed in the first update (post), so nothing new there. However, I added a little tweak to this by using a technique from Robert Bruce (all credit goes to him) he mentions this in the Mastering Kundalini course that you reverse your breath by inhaling through your mouth and exhaling through your nose. This will according to myself put you in a trance state rather quickly; and you probably wonder how does this relate to this practice? I think it does because of the following reasons:

  1. Getting into a trance state is a key to accessing pretty much anything in these arts. Because trance states as they’re called these days makes you more in tune with the spiritual realms, if you will. Ok…how? - by keeping your conscious mind and Mr. Stupid (inner critic) at bay; shutting those off temporarily while allowing the subconscious mind to rise up and meet with your conscious mind, which will usually help with making spiritual experience more natural and more real. Ok seems legit? Again, how does this relate to this at all? - I think it does relate in this way; if you’re more in tune with the spiritual realms, you’ll likely feel and experience the intensity of an exercise like this a bit better. Meaning the effects of pulling in energy from the immediate environment through your pores will have a clearer effect upon you, which will in turn make you trust yourself and the process more, which is breeding ground for success with these arts.

  2. If you breathe more deeply as you tend to do if you breathe through your mouth then you take breaths; more prana (life force) which stimulates the Kundalini a bit more we use Prana Yam in Yoga to stimulate Ida and Pingala (Dohmar and Deehakh on the Path of Smoke [although you do this a bit differently there]) to rise up through the system. This is a good way to change your overall breathing pattern from being a chest breather to actually being a belly breather. You can easily test this, try focus on your nose when breathing in, notice what happens? Does your shoulders or chest (usually this what happens when you do this) and not feeling the abdomen moving out as much? Then change it up by inhaling by focusing on your abdomen, you’ll likely feel more air coming in, and the chest won’t rise as much or at all. Plus, you may even feel light-headed if you do this a few times - I don’t have a good medical reason for this that I think fits. But the difference of the quantity of air taken in this way should be obvious, though. When you breathe in air through your nose and not breathing in deeply by focusing on your abdomen when doing so, this causes you to breathe in less air than what you’re supposed to do or rather can do. In martial arts, you try to rewire this breathing by trying to make your breathing more “deep” and controlled and having more stamina this way if you hold your breath your cells and muscles won’t have enough fuel to make glucose into energy as oxygen is a necessary factor to do, as a result you’ll burn out faster, most martial artists and athletes know this and now so do you. Same thing here, by increasing the depth we can pull in more. Plus, doing it this way (reversed breathing) seems to be a bit more potent than the usual in through your nose and out through the mouth; try and see what happens.

! - I want to stress though if you live and messy or moldy environment then get outside or clean before doing this. As you may know, your nose has several strands of hairs (a.k.a. follicles) in there and one of the functions that it has is to capture dust particles and other stuff (works like a filter) so that you get it as clean as possible into your lungs. By circumventing the nose on the inhale, you can potentially inhale more of the nasty stuff in the environment that’s why keeping it clean is important so that you won’t get sick, it may seem dumb but just letting you know that can happen if it’s rotting meat; carcasses or moldy stuff in there, it may take a while, but you can still contract the stuff; do what you wish.

  1. By doing this, it will likely increase the potency of the exercise, better preparing you for the vampyrism section of the grimoire. Initially do it like this in a "closed off environment, but the goal is of course you should be able to do it on the run and anywhere despite whatever chaos is happening otherwise, if you have to isolate yourself in your temple to do magick then what’s the use? Magick should be an extension of whom you’re, not a commodity that’s chained to a place. The World is your Cloister, so to speak.

Now to the actual notes themselves: by inverting the breathing I felt while focusing on imagining my pores’ breath in along with my inhale through the mouth, I noticed that I could take deeper breaths. And as I did the more the real the experience seem to become like the area f.e. the hand was really breathing with me, I could feel that before but according to me, it seems to have gotten more noticeable by doing it this way. This exercise will pretty naturally take into trance is you inhale deeply with your abdomen. But doing this it seemed to happen faster. And as you may have predicted, the feeling of being relaxed yet energized at the same time was clearer to say the least. Especially in the feet and hands for me at this time. Like I had miniature energetic circles in the middle of my palm and at the middle of my feet (the soft tissue part); you have chakras there too, in case you didn’t know. This is good, this means that my energy system is being activated as it should according to me. Hands and feet are really important, they’re awakened as they help pull and expel energy inside your system to keep it moving (the Law of Exchange). I noticed for a bit afterwards that colors and sounds were a bit more pronounced than they usually are. If you get into these states regularly, you may have already noticed this, it usually tends to happen. But this way the effect of that seemed to last a bit longer, a few minutes or so instead of about 30 seconds +. That’s about it with this update.

Organ Breathing - Update #4 18 of 30 breaths in.


This section of the post won’t be as lengthy as the other one. One key factor is important to address is that the setting in which this exercise was done was different, meaning instead of my living room, I did this exercise when watching TV. You’re likely thinking: ok…isn’t that incredibly distracting? It can be, but it doesn’t have to be that way. I did manage some distractions quite a bit by focusing my breath just below the lower part of the TV frame and counting the amount of breaths in my mind by focusing on the body part f.e. the liver. I was doing this with my eyes open, which of course makes the process a bit more difficult to imagine, meaning the imagining the particles going in and staying there. But by setting the intention of doing this inside your mind before you begin and really feeling the pores breathing in and the mass of energy staying in there and energize the area on the exhalation, it seems to produce a similar response as doing it with your eyes closed. The key here i´s “feeling” it, if you can’t see it you got to feel it. If you get distracted, close your eyes and redo the breath and feel the particles going in and staying there and energize you for a few breaths and continue from top to bottom until you’re done.

Generally speaking I of course got a bit sometimes distracted, this is why counting your breaths are important to know where you’re. If you’re having trouble keeping it mentally stable, then add the mental counting along with a slight tapping of a finger on your thigh to keep you on track, it usually helps especially if you have ADHD like me in the beginning, I usually won’t need this anymore, but I want to add this though once you notice it helps with tapping your fingers on your thigh, and you won’t get distracted then scale them off and try to mentally count the amount of times you’re pulling in life force from the environment. Doing it this way was of course less intense than closing your eyes, at it was harder to imagine the particles going in by visualizing with my eyes open. But it still worked, meaning I could still feel that bio-electricity increase, although it was milder than the war of wants type sensation that has been the case more or less so far in the previous sessions. Try this by all means see what happens and if you want to compare notes then be all means.

That is all for now. I will update this journal once more when the next session has been completed. Until then, hopefully this was of use.

All the best