Teras390 Ascension through the smoke from the ashes of creation; the path of smoke (Journal)

The Dark staot: The Shadow of Venus

! - I plan releasing some Vlogs regarding my experiences in some areas at times. An example of this is this particular one; the Shadow of Venus. I’ll try to keep them short, and I’ll also invest in a proper camera in the near future. Please excuse the rawness of the video. Enjoy.

I’ll create a poll as this is an experiment of mine. As I have plenty of these stored at my hard drive. Let me know if you want to hear/see more of this form of journaling.

Vlog + text - yes or no?
  • Yes that would be nice.
  • Nah, I prefer to read.
  • I prefer both as they might complement each other.
0 voters

Foundations of Practice: Exercise #4 Calling the Divs from Arezura (Vlog)
Date: 2021-03-03

Video below; it’s me relaying some notes of my experiences with this exercise. Let me know what you think.

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Note: As there were an even split between the votes regarding the exercises; calling the Ignition of the black sun and Raising Dohmar and Deehakh, I will add a small number of vlogs that are currently collecting dust on my hard drive. Also I’ll include snippets of text below each vlog regarding with it contains. Some of these are older. However in time there will be a small library of them. Just a minor update of sorts.

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how did you figure out the pronunciation of the litany? I am thinking to just get a copy of standard English pronunciation guide and use that…

I also I’m trying to find vids of all these yoga poses in the book. so far I only found 2.

So the thing about the litanies of the dark staot is they are a pretty protean thing when it comes to the path of smoke. It is less about precise pronunciation than it is intent. The staot of the worshipers of ahura mazda is the form that is tied to exact pronunciation, tempo and rhythm of their litanies.

In contrast the litanies of the dark staot with shift like sands the desert in all aspects of pronunciation,tempo and rhythm according to the intent at the time of the caster during the recitation. With the trance the litanies can induce during recitations it is not uncommon that a recitation of the same litany for 2 different intentions can sounds completely different.

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Also you can find the poses here

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I had to see what my mad scientist was posting :face_with_monocle:


I’ll answer the first of your questions, as the second one has already been answered by @Dinmiatus.

How I figured out the pronunciation was by typing them out on the keyboard or use Microsoft Word and look for each letter under the tab symbols; then copy them onto google. The pronunciation I’ve figured out may not be entirely correct, but I think it might be close. Approaching these Staot relies as Diniminatus has already stated much on intention, and it doesn’t need to be perfect pronunciation and the intonation can change not only between each litany but also during the litany. As the litanies are spoken they create psychological changes in your as well as through your speech cause change in the matrix.

However, here’s how I think it should be pronounced I’ll link to various sites regarding the letters so you can hear them. We’ll start with the strange one’s;

ã = This sound according to my research is mostly found in Portuguese; it sounds similar to the name JeAN in French. Here’s a video from a native Portuguese male talking about it and another and the â sound which we will dive into next.

â = Ah - the A in father or Aw the former video explained it pretty well; you can also find it in french as well. I went more with the Ah sound.

û = is found in French and Turkish; it’s more de-nasal in Turkish and to me, it feels more “right” than the French pronunciation. Here’s a link so you can compare the two for yourself:

î = it is found in Romanian and the sounds to me; like you would try to say eh as in meh in English, but with an o shaped mouth. Here’s a link to how it sounds:

ñ = it is likely pronounced the same as the letter found in spanish - here are a few guides:

ý = this is a tricky one, it is found in Check, and it sounds very similar to the Swedish letter y. To get the Swedish letter pronunciation done: it is done by saying the letter e but with an O-shaped mouth.

å = letter I believe is similar to the Swedish one. To help the process a long try to say boat but with an Irish accent if your native language is English. That should do the trick.

ô = imagine the call of an owl to me anyway it says: hoo, hoo. It has a somewhat hollow quality to it. To me, it sounds like you would say hoot in English. Here’s a link, so you can hear what it sounds like:

Now for some other notes

The letter x can be toungetwister in this in the middle of the word it becomes like a k sound. At the beginning of a word it’s ehks. Like Saying Ekens the Pokémon. At the end of the word it becomes like an s sound.

a = to me sound like the ah found in the word aha.

Other than that with the exception of x there’s not many pronunciation exceptions. It’s fairly phonetically consistent.

Also I want to reiterate I think it’s pronounced this way, it doesn’t have to be that way. Also I want to reiterate, the intensity and intonation may change between litanies or during the intonation of one. It’s due to the volatile nature of it. As like the path they are ever changing.

@Teras390 and @Dinmiatus thanks to both of you☺️

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Some of the stuff that’s talked about in here are:

  • Some other uses of the Litany other than the consecration of menstrual blood or blood in general.

  • Sovar told me once when I evoked him: that speech without intent and will is hollow; it’s dead.

  • Through your words you speak your intent into existence.

  • How the Litany of the Blood moon has helped me with my development of psychic abilities like clairvoyance and overall psychic abilities. The example that is given in the video was that I knew that a topic of conversation would come up the same day due to an improved intuition. And how my ability to scan has improved from a few months back.

Exercise 1 - Raising Dohmar and Deehakh + Kunda Yoga.

Date: 2021/04/16

This post will contain my notes on the exercise from the session of today. As I’ve been doing this exercise on off ever since the start of this journal; it’s been hard to keep consistent updates. However, I’ll try to better myself regarding that as there is no excuse not to.

Let’s start with the raising of the twin serpents. I noticed today more so than any other, that I need to include a workout routine for my back. As sitting completely straight without any support for my back makes me slouch over a bit at times during the exercise.

I prefer doing this exercise for about 5-10 minutes daily. I’ve found that since I have a partially stuffed nose at times, or helps doing Praha yam, before doing this. Also by lifting my chin up a little bit while keeping my spine erect helps with the airflow. Also if you’re nose is a bit stuffed push out some of it on the exhale. I know, I know it’s really gross. But as the airflow improves so does the intensity of the exercise.

As for the effects the air inside my nostrils feel really fresh and cold. Like your would feel if you inhale peppermint. As per the effect on my system, afterwards I felt waves of bio electricity with medium to high intensity; moving form the crown and outwards to every limb. At times there’s a strange warmth at the root chakra that happens spontaneously.

When I began I just felt a slight buzzing in that place. I guess the best description of the above is that it feels like a cold fire…

As for

Kunda Yoga

I choose the Div: Vizaresh and I plan to do Kunda Yoga and ground his power for at least two weeks, minimally for 1 week.

As for moving through each chakra while chanting his name, while focusing on his sigil. It went fine mostly. There were some strange visions coming along during the process. Like f.e.

A scene inside a hospital where a patient had a cardiac arrest. And another one wanted to die.

So in essence a few images of someone either that’s about to die, or being dead already.

Regarding the chanting. I prefer saying their name in a loud voice as the movements with Kunda Yoga chops up my tone if I vibrate the name. It takes me out of the work so that’s why.

As moving through the chakras on the way up was coupled with death imagery, the way down was similar but one contained a mangled body. As my mind was a bit jumpy today. I’ll before future sessions do 5 minutes of jumping jacks before undertaking them.

The chakras before they were filled with black waters, as I was chanting the Divs name; were white in the center but has black/grey-ish smoke coming from them. As each chakra was filled they gained alight shade darker nuance, in terms of color. They weren’t spinning they were…burning.

The sensation when the waters fill up the chakras, as the Div consume the light spectrum. Is a feeling is contraction or rather pushing or clenching. Then it expands.

Afterwards I felt a lot of buzz in my crown chakra, temples, third eye and heart center. The buzzing sensation lasted for about an hour afterwards.

Could you tell me what size/diameter the circle of counter creation is?

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I’ll take the measurements and get back to you @Asher . Now that I have checked using a ruler, the square wooden board is a bit uneven since it was unevenly cut, but approximately 40 cm at each point. The circle excluding the flamey embellishments is somewhere between 27-27,5 cm in diameter, so the radius is 13.5-13.25 cm. I hope it helps I don’t know my imperial measurements well enough to convert into inches and such.

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That’s perfect. Thank you. I will also be on the path of sorcery, for now. Am I correct in thinking that on this path the Talisman of Counter Creation is not necessary?

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At least from my perspective, the creation of the talisman is more of a Sorcererous ritual than an alchemical one. However, it can be perceived as a bit of both. It will really help your magickal-and even your alchemical operations, depending on f.e. which metal or wood you use for its creation. However, I’d recommend that you create it when you feel called or drawn to do so. But be more precise in my answer for you to be sure if it is needed or not. I’d suggest you contact Kurtis himself and ask him on facebook or somewhere else, I bet you can find his contact info somehwere. He’s the conduit of the current, after all.

If you talk about the circle well it’s more or less necessary, the results in evocation including your perception of the Divs will be a lot clearer if you create it.

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Much appreciated. Thank you.

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I’ll get back into the swing of things of posting once more eventually. For the last year or so, I’ve been heavily invested in my own ascent and path working more traditional systems of magick, as I needed to get back and polish my basics and devote myself fully to one system specifically. But enough talking, I’ll post something proper before the end of the summer.

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I’ve bookmarked this thread, I’m finding it very helpful as I begin this work. I made the mistake of performing the Ignition of the Black Sun every night before I found out it’s only to be done 3 times a week, along with Kunda Yoga for the first month. I’ll start over.

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