Telling "when" with tarot (practice readings)

Yes!!! Haven’t gotten much past time requests!
Thank you!

Page of cups = 11 months ago

The world: completion, achievement, fulfilment, sense of belonging, wholeness, harmony.

The Tarot doesn’t know how long it will be. It is entirely up to you. This card is about the end of a cycle; when that has been resolved and dealt with in your life, then and only then will it come to happen. If you want it to happen faster, then work through your issues concerning this card faster.

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I’ve been applying to multiple jobs recently, I will let you know the accuracy of time !


Good luck! :hugs:

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Thanks miku, first one for past, not so much :slight_smile: unfortunately. 2nd for the future’s, intresting, but relatable to some extend.

Would you say, the cycle relates to process of me me getting completely detached from the subject “S”?

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Or could just be any cycle in my own life?

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Yes it could be! It means a completion of this cycle with the subject, so what you need to do is move to another cycle or basically focus on someone else! By the time you detach completely from what’s between you and this subject, what you asked will happen.

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Aaahhh😀. Intresting. Have had a similar experience in the past, I think I understand wat yu mean.

Thanks miku​:+1::tada:

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Wow thanks! I really hope you’re right! I really hope this is accurate. :slight_smile:

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:see_no_evil: same…


Thank you very much, I really appreciate it.

Whenever you have time, would you mind doing another one for me please?

When will Bijan (BPS) and I meet again in person?

Thank you again.

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@MiKu is this thread closed? Thank you

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No! I’ll continue when I get the time to…
Sorry for the wait…


Something really big did happen for me of which I am very happy with, but it was not about the question I had asked.
Wanted to check in and let you know. Thank you!

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No worries, thank you so much and I really appreciate it

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You still doing this?

When i can astral travel perfectly

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The fool: Beginnings, Innocence, Leap of faith, Originality, Spontaneity.

The Tarot doesn’t know how long it will be. It is entirely up to you. This card is about takeing a leap of faith; when that has been resolved and dealt with in your life, then and only then will it come to happen. If you want it to happen faster, then work through your issues concerning this card faster.

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9 of cups = 9 months from now

Thanks! Could you please briefly explain what taking a leap of faith is pertaining to, in this reading? Or any random example of the type of leap of faith it is indicating? Thanks again!

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When will I find lasting fulfillment in my reality :laughing:

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The fool represents new beginnings, having faith in the future, being inexperienced, not knowing what to expect, having beginner’s luck, improvisation and believing in the universe.
The fool goes out into the world adventuring into the unknown without worrying about the unexpected danger he might face. He doesn’t know where he is going but forward! He welcome the journey with optimism and hope. He has faith that he will be where he needs to be and that the universe will provide him with what he needs along his path.
In your situation it means to have faith and continue your journey without expectation other than faith in the universe to provide. It could also indicate that you will meet while going on a fool’s errand!

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