
How can I block telepathy, I have a hard time sleeping


maybe close your third eye chakra or lower them Idk how it works. Perhaps envision a barrier around your head.
Really don’t know what to do but I just wanted to try and help

Lol it’s ok anything helps, I will try thanks

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I’m afraid nothing has helped with me other than physically removing myself from other people. I live alone and in a rural area, by choice. The quieter the better.

A telepath great
Im dying for a real chat

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Oh no, you have to learn how to turn it off, it has taken me years still have trouble from time to time

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Put up filters and adjust frequency.
I was having trouble not so long ago. Was very hard to go out.
Now if course not an issue :smirk:
However. Not many telepaths around…

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Visualize a barrier around your head, imagine that nothing can pass beyond that barrier.
Concentrate and see if this method works for you.

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No there aren’t. That’s why I think I get bombarded by spirit messages at times, especially if I’ve dealt with a lot of clients and having a stressful day. I have politely asked them stop talking, I need my rest. Believe it or not that works sometimes. Other times I just shut it down.

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Well yes :heart:
Filters help
Work out a deal and tell them what you want in exchange for wiki as a conduit.
Thats what i have found.
Though being a conduit is a lot more energy exchange so you HAVE to eat!!.
Just saying if you’re anything like me you get under weight (according to others opinion) very easily.

Working as a conduit can be very rewarding.

Any help that Morgana can give you. Just say :green_heart:

Dark Blessings

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Same to you. Perhaps, I can help you as well. Can you pm me? I do have a question, could u inquire of the spirits for me? They’re not telling me much, just need clarity.

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It’s a matter of listening with a quiet mind

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I’ll be available in a day or two. Definitely.
Shoot some questions and perhaps we can :brain::eye:

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For a long time I doubted my sanity because of the messages, then I realized that they were things I didn’t know and made sense, answered questions, etc. Before my mom passed away, I got messages, one after another to go visit her. The spirit went on to say you never know when it may be your last chance to see her. Three days later she died.

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It can be a difficult gift, both a blessing and a curse. My great grandmother was clairaudient, and would have visions.


Put up a shield. It’ll work for awhile. Usually blue light works best for me. I do it as needed, especially on people who are being really invasive. I am also clairaudient and have some other gifts. I’ve learned to block a lot of it out.

I’ll see what I can do to assist.
A shield made of a vortex might be an idea to spiin with. Create it as if you were making a doll or a servitor with charaeristic and a name.
Yoy could state what it it filters and what is acceptable to be heard you could program (like you would program anything ahh a software format), you could add in boundaries such as i am only receiving urgent messages that are urgent at any time (state what you think of as urgent), expand on the concept here.
I suggest stating that You are the operator and as a telepath are willing to receive nudges and messages in ways besides the mind.
For instance the abdomen ir a pulling of your left wrist for a family member and a tug on your right for others.

Light candles and request they enter the candle centre yourself address the Entities that you are waiting to receive the information. But only when i light this candle.
-incense useful but you will find that a message can be perceived without it.

Let me know how you go

Morgana Le Fae


The doll baby method, I reserve for spells, but I already use the candle method. I set up boundaries and limitations, it usually works fine. I have my household helper spirits, and pretty decent protection set up as I do communicate with the dark side as well, I really just think that these are random spirits that somehow come thru, bother me with their messages and then get booted out. It’s just annoying. Yesterday, my hair brush was sitting on my sink counter and it was as if someone pushed it off onto the floor, so I immediately did a banishing ritual. This is not a common occurrence for things to be moved. The banishing worked. I think it’s that my third eye remains open when it shouldn’t. That’s what I need to work on the most.

Even when I’m not attempting to astral project. I do. Haven’t encountered any problems with that, so far, but it’s just weird when I know I’ve shut it all out, and somehow third eye comes open on its own. I may try the Doll method, because the astral thing has happened twice in the past two weeks.

I’m game. :grin: