
Please some help with list of very powerful tattoos whether demonic, angel or any spirit provided is powerful tattoo

If you don’t have a connection with the spirits, you will get powerless cool drawings or, in the worst case, according to some Colombian youtuber, you will put curses on yourself. Spirits don’t have the obligation to help you nor will be moved by the act of the tattoing itself.

We can’t.

The most powerful tattoo is the one that has personal significance to you.

People get tattoos of all sorts of spiritual symbols for no other reason than they “look cool.” However, they hold no power.

Alone, the symbol is impotent. It is the wearer that gives the symbol its significance and brings it to life.

Like I say to beginners when they worry about damaging a seal, it is nothing but ink and paper until it is consecrated and imbued with energy. That is when it becomes something more, something special.

Find a symbol that has meaning for you, and then make the whole process sacred. Ritual tattooing is a magical art with a long history, and, if you know what you are doing, can give you an incredible glyph of power.


What DarkestKnight said.

E.g. Read and pathwork ‘Kingdoms of Flame’, and see how you feel about the Seal of the Sorceror. For people attuned to that current, there are threads here talking about the efficacy of that seal as a tattoo.

But if you never even read the book, it would probably just look like a cool pagan symbol with no real meaning - you the operator have to open it to give it power, which means understanding it and doing a working with it after it’s done. Otherwise you might as well get a triskele or a pentagram or a universal hexagram or something.


I can’t wait to get my sigil tattooed on me lol, I’ll be programming it as the tattoo artist does their thing lol. Little by little I have been solidifying a “physical presence” of myself.

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thanks for your tips

Planning to put this on my forehead between the eyes. This month or next