TAROT REVERSALS - how many in a deck?

I cant seem to find any info on what percentage of cards in a tarot deck are usually reversed while shuffling … i understand that reversals are not a necessity . But how many reversals are the usual norm
From what i understood most have around 1/4 th or 1/3 of the cards in the reverse
How does it work.
I have been splitting the deck into 3 and i reverse one of them and reshuffle
Esteemed members kindly give ur valuable knowledge about how most of them work

It depends on how you cut and shuffle, but about 50%.

Starting from a new deck with all cards the same way up, If you split the deck in half, rotate one half, and shuffle, 50% will be reversed.

ok thanks a lot for your reply … yes i did that too split into two and then reversed one half but wasnt sure if that was the way most often followed … so do most of them use about 50 percent reversals in their deck ?

I guess I didn’t think about it and never tried to manipulate the percentages.

I think 50% makes sense.

Otherwise, let’s say you deliberately work it to make it 30%, which sounds like a hassle, all it takes the next time you pick up the deck is to pick it up “upside down” and now you have 70%… so you’d have to check which way up most of the cards were to orient the deck right… I don’t do that either.

I try not to think about the shuffling with my conscious mind, I focus on the question while shuffling.

What I might do, when I have drawn my layout, is, if more than half the cards are reversed, turn them all. My mother used to do that. For me, i figure, a) a revered card isn’t always a negative meaning, and b) I start reading both meanings and get a feel for what fits the question better. If the cards are making more sense turned then I turn them all.

I don’t usually selectively turn individual cards myself, but occasionally that makes sense as well, depending on the surrounding cards. This is a more intuitive thing.

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thank you for your kind reply
i understand what you have written and it makes perfect sense
iwas also under the impression that more often than not the cards have to be rearranged each time to being straight and then in the process of shuffling get half or whaever the percentage reversed by the client / querent .
But i guess there are different ways for each person right .
so once the pile has the mix with reversed cards. the pile is maintained the same way for quite some time?
thank you

Yes exactly. I don’t physically rearrange them, but I will often cleanse them energetically, by shuffling 7 time with the intention set to clear the energy, and the image a pure, empty white space in my mind.
This I call “clearing the dick”.

So I “clear the deck”, then shuffle again 7 times with the new question set in my mind and heart.
Whether you turn half the split deck again while reshuffling is up to you.

I “turn them” in my hands each time before I start to shuffle the deck with the question and person already in mind. :slight_smile: