Tarot interpretation help

Hello everyone. I have done a dedication ritual to Lucifer and I have a pact with him. I asked the cards if he allows me to work with other demons via invocations for the things I want to accomplish and I got the following
Judgement -Page of swords -2 of swords. Based what the cards represent are saying that his answer is a big fat no and I will be judged for it

I think you’re the Page of Swords, and he’s telling you to stand on your own two feet and make your own judgements.


=There‘s a hidden meaning in certain information presented to you (take is as it resonates). You have overlooked it in the past, and are encouraged now, to see the real meaning.

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Judgement seems like it’s either something in the past, or that the judgement is yours to make now.

2 of swords, I’d usually interpret this as an intellectual partnership. And agreed with what @Mulberry said, you’re the page of swords — your mind, your decisions.


My question is why ask entities if they have an issue with you working with other entities in the first place. To my mind this is akin to Christians and Jesus stating that he is the only God that should be worshipped and all other gods are false gods.

In my opinion you have already embraced an alternative spiritual path so then almost automatically you are not bound to any one spirit unless you choose to be bound to a single entity. As Lucifer himself works with and commands other goetic entities it doesn’t seem logical to me that he would communicate this to you; even despite a pact. Additionally, how can you be sure that the tarot cards are an accurate representation of the feelings of Lucifer, in some cases those cards bring forth messages like a ouija board. I really think sometimes we personify and even project unto these entities in a way that can hinder us. Even then many of us are actually dedicated to other human beings and still have to work with and through others to accomplish a variety of objectives.

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Judgment is a maybe. Page of swords is a yes. 2 of swords is a maybe.

In the order of Possibly, Yes, Possibly, it’s a yes.

Mulberry is right. Lucifer absolutely loves it when we talk back to him and express our wants.

The interpretation is more along the lines of- use your best judgment, Think it through, put doubt to rest by action. And then just deal with the consequences. Believe me, I have been on the wrong side of him before, but if he sees the error is sincere, he is flexible. Don’t worry, do what YOU want. That’s the message of the cards anyway.

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I am finding tarot to be a two-edged sword, and it’s very variable depending on your mood and frame of mind.

Personally, I never use myself as a source of interpretation, I connect the cards to a source and ask them to choose for me. I then listen clairaudiently for their interpretation. I am realizing there are certain ways to consider the deck itself, for example as a mirror of the mind. Pull from the top, the forefront of consciousness, not from the bottom, the subconscious. Shuffle constantly between questions and clarifications to always keep the energy consonant between the question and the source and the cards. Interpret in the order of literal, psychological, emotional, spiritual, or a mixture, let yourself hear the story. Let conventional interpretation be the bedrock, but unconventional interpretations are situational. In some decks an emperor could be a maybe, in others he is a no. Look how each card relates to the other, background images, etc. above all, let your personal intuition have the final word, regardless of what source you connect to. Some readings I just throw out because I know in my experience the answer is wrong. I mostly personally use tarot to get the clairaudient thoughts into the external world and for verification. It gets REALLY interesting when the voices you hear tell you to pull certain cards and lay them in a certain order blind and the type of reading you will get before you see them flipped! These sorts of things really build confidence.


Thank you so much guys. That question was the tricky one. I did more questions before this one and after and I figured out why it’s not a good time for me to work with someone else now

I wanted to be respectful to him that’s why I asked