Tap the strength of the EARTH itself when outdoors. Try this

General loneliness and misery attacks me some mornings when I am half awake and travelling to work, especially in a new job. Not my ideal job and I’ve lost friends along the way. I usually come out of it when I’m lost in the zone in my job later on.

I tried this exercise as I was walking to work after I parked up. Its called Yellow Ray Streaming and its mentioned in this book

Fuckin amazing, almost instant exorcism of unhappiness.

What you do is, as you’re outside, visualize a yellow laser beam emanating from you to any tree or vegetation, energize the tree fully, put the work in until it’s brimming then allow it to laser its energy back into you.

Holy shit, it reconnects you to the earth, the environment, society, everything but very quickly.


I changed the title.

Modern man (human) is obsessed with sex, finance and technology. His/her roots are lost hence the horrors of modern civilization. Now, don’t get me wrong I am into science and technology totally but when the scales of artificiality tips over …we’re totally fucked.


I’d like people to test this out and then feedback here.

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Great content @Zenifon! Do you have to do it from a specific chakra? Or just from your body/self?

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Damn I just did it. Felt like I got hit with Superman’s laser beam eyes of happiness lol
It works


I just reread it in book, yeah from yellow diaphragm solar chakra.

Apparently you can do this with animals and people too and it boosts them, then you use Blue throat or Green heart chakra ti heal.

Make sure your aura is not leaking though so put yourself first.

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When I did it outside the other morning I could feel myself being plugged right into the core of the earth, made me realize how important natural green land is. Cities are great but we need that balance.

The author also recommends getting a plant for your house or apartment so you can do the same in there.

Scent, incense also has similar enlivening effects which I noticed with my joss sticks. Also flame, candles has the same effects.

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Hey I energized one of my crystals like this also.

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Did this today in my lunch break but with my heart chakra, pretty cool.

I’m thinking of getting a plant or too for my place so I can do the same indoors.