Synchronisation - Communicating with divine

007 Angel number 7 - It describes your spiritual ascend, path and development. And seeing this number means your on the right way. Spirits acknowledge that.

I’m sorry you can’t search on 1 or 2 positions in this thread so I fixed it with the zero’s.

011 Angel number 11 @Lunasthus - has resemblance with with 011 only it has to do more with the connection and that you need to act on your intuition. These thoughts have a reason. 11 Also pushes you to take action, to be part of this world with your talents.

In combination with 022 Angel number 22 - means that if you follow your intuition you have the power to manifest and take control over your situation.


Thank you :blush::blush:

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049 Angel number 49 Closing of a period in your life. Reflect your life till now, learn from it. You will be supported in the next cycle. You could see it as advise to let go of the old start with the new.

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Oh, gotcha. Thanks a bunch :+1:.

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Important to keep in mind that synchronicity shows us whats in our subconscious. If we spot negativb synchronicity, it means we need to look into what problems are being reflected to us.
Its not just the divine, but our own human nature and consciousness we are communicating with when we talk about synchronicity.


Yes many thanks @DivineLove143 and to add something. If you have synchronicity you can use this meaning + what you’re thinking at that exact moment in time. Intuition and consciousness.

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Hi it would be a big help if you can tell me what does 66 means and how do I connect to my intuition I am seeing 22 and 11 like 15+ times a day! Thank you

77 And 88 too :sweat_smile:

I’m busy these few days, I come back on this thread on Sunday, take care

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The voice inside that gives your ideas. Especially when you see these numbers, that exact time what where you thinking? At that moment. Besides that do daily meditation to make the thoughts more clear.
And don’t forget be in nature, woods. You will ground automatically.

Grounding helps in better mediation and clear thinking.

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066 Angel number 66


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077 Angel number 77, means that you’re going the right way. It’s a positive affirmation, see it as a congratulation.
But this number also asks you to make decisions. Let go of the old, start with the new. Things that don’t serve you anymore, leave it ,go on and make the right choice.

088 Angel number 88, Is a financial number. If you make the right choices you won’t have financial problems. It can also mean that with the right choices you have a good financial future.
Stay positive and work to get it done.

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Thanks a lot :blush:

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What does 727 mean?

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@Mind_Seeker20 727 You have chosen the right path and the near future will be positive if you go on the way that your doing now.

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A spirit once said 4444 to me. I have looked into this and come up with various answers. What is your interpretation of this please? thanks

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4444 At the moment you see that number Angels/Fallen Angels are surrounding you, just ask for help when you need it.
If a spirit says this to you, know it’s very positive. It could be the ending of a phase in life or that you’re a hard working, loyal person. If you go on like this you have a lot to achieve. @Yennefer


I’m curious about the number 39, appeared yesterday.

Thank you so much. xxx

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039 Angel number 39
3 is that your supported by the ascended masters like Jesus or Lucifer, whatever resonates with you. 9 has change towards enlightment.
It can tell you to let go of the old, bring in the new. Or use your abilities to help others and we will help you…