Synchronisation - Communicating with divine

Interesting. Because you not only get synchronization when you take action. It could be that an Arch deity tries to contact you @Lunasthus

You have to ask yourself:

Do you feel interested towards a specific being?

What do I want to learn? Which path I would like to follow?


I prayed to fenrir and Odin and once a little while ago and I saw a black bird come in my house through the balcony and then the other second it was gone poof I heard even his wings does that count as an action??

Yes I do fenrir and Odin

I think I want to take the path of a shaman and be a balance person ( I couldn’t find the right words to explain ) I want to both RHP and LHP and a path that I originally wanted to walk a unique path but now I know about so many different paths and types of magick that I am not sure about it anymore but I still have that gut feeling to walk that path but I know now is not the right time

Hey as I finished texting I saw this and took a ss look at the time it’s 55 and whatsapp it’s 66 and in the right side of wifi it’s 33 and my messages it 99 ( well I don’t think we should count that one) and after I took the ss the 33 changed into 44 does this all means something more bigger and I was going to sleep but the gut feeling kicked in and I saw it and before reading you post I again was going to sleep but again the gut feeling I think something big is going what do you think ??

If you ask me begin to study, this is a perfect starting point. First of all start with the daily meditation. A little soultravel is perfect for what you want. Find your guardian (akashic field) or power animal (guardian) in the lower world.

Example with perfect guided meditation. I love it.


I’ve started a balanced path too. White magick with some black magick and knowledge of it. I work with Angels and So called Fallen Angels. In my opinion it keeps you balanced. You embrace dark, but need light too.

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I will but first I need to make some servitors then I will start this path

55 (5 is the number of change), let go of the old, start the new. And if you take this action you will be supported. A change is coming, only thing you have to do is be open for change.

66 Could be more attention to your loved ones or spiritual and material balance. Don’t focus to much on material

99 Comes always with 55. It tells you to take control and go for it…

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I can’t I thought about it but i can’t there were some people who humiliated me ( I deserved it but not all of it ) I need to take revenge I don’t feel peace all I feel is remorse cause I was a coward back then and still was loyal to them lika a DOG! and if I don’t do this I will Regert not taking action and restoring my Honor I don’t know what to do what are my limits and what consequences I will get

:EDIT: I again saw 33 just now in my battery , wow now I look at it I see 44 too as well

I see 33 and 44 most and 55 less then compare to the 44 and 33 I think I should not let go of the past in this case I think I am supported in my task to take revenge

That’s the past, let it go. You are not bound to people, that’s why you are practicing magick. I know from my past, I had the same and when I took control I surpassed them all in one way or another.

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A week or two ago I was seeing 1337 a lot.

Nowadays it’s mostly 1111, or I see XX, which I take to mean 1010, both of which have been covered.


1010 I’ve mentioned in this thread. 1111 is your spiritual connection that has opened more and it brings manifestation opportunities.
If you really want something in life or want a change, try to wish for it when you see 1111.
Say: ‘So mote it be’ and ‘Thank you’.
With 1111 you have the power to manifest thoughts.


Ancient Egyptians believed that a true magician learned both light and dark paths of magic.


What does 69 means ??

69 - Balance in spiritual/material and if do, then change will come.

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Thank you @DarkPaladin this motivates me!

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I’ve always had a fascination with the Ancient Egyptians. At first, I thought it was just because of how the pharaohs dressed and the crowns. But I’m noticing more each day that there’s more to that interest than that. Their level of insight back then would be bonkers in today’s era of mentality and intuition.

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The other numbers I’ve explained above @Veil. 1337 is a very strong number that you are supported by higher beings. It’s about manifesting and your spiritual connection, awakening. Positive and high number to get.

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And what does 22 and 11 and 49 means sry I am asking to many numbers :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

@Borgy What does just the number 7 mean again? Sorry. I know you messaged me the meaning bit I cant seem to find it. I’ve been seeing that number a lot lately