Synchronisation - Communicating with divine

That is exactly what I needed to hear! Thank you!

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Glad to help you out!

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Thank you!

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Hey @Borgy how are you. I finished a jar spell yesterday with a self love/lust related intention. Today I noticed a lot of the number 58 around. What does it mean?

Hey @johnbad Is something financial going on in your life? 058 Angel number 58 means financial change.
About your ritual. You have send the energy to the universe now let it do the work be careful in lusting for results.

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No nothing, financial at all which makes me curious

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@johnbad 5 is the number of change and 8 is the number of abundance. But this doesn’t always mean financial abundance.

Are you working with a spirit for self love? Just curious.

Yes, Astaroth originally and Asmodeus came in as well, but mostly Astaroth atm.

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Sounds very good. I work with Lilith on self love…

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Btw irrelevant with numbers but on the night my ritual got completed I saw a vision of Astaroth which looked like she was hanged on the gallows. It was weird because in the same time I was feeling positive energies. What could the hanging symbolise?

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I get a very warm feeling now, so my answer should be correct.
You are going through a process a change process. You throw out the old and accept the new. The old is literally dying and making place for something new. A better version of yourself.
A more secure version and a version that accepts himself for who he is, self love, self confidence.

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Yes, it is true. I am working through my self transformation. I have a lot of results as well. So the hanging shows the death of the old?

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Hi @Borgy :wave:t4: I’ve been following this thread for a while now. For the past month or so, I’ve been seeing 228.

At first, I thought maybe my deceased daughter was trying to contact me because she was born on December 28th, and I was born on Oct 2nd. So I assumed it was just her wanting to connect with me or send me a message. 228. I used to see 1228 when she wanted to say hi, but I haven’t been seeing it.

It’s getting to the point where the number is screaming at me, and I don’t think it’s my baby anymore, there’s a bigger message, I just dont know what it is…

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where was this post throughout my madness… I could’ve had a way out, but at least im here and i made it through the storm

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@johnbad Yes, I felt it already when I was explaining it. But I verified it when I did an invocation with Lucifer.

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Hi @QueenMustang, firstly I’m very sorry to hear for you loss. Now I have a very strong connection with my deceased mother, grandfather, granny and I know they always are close to me when I needed it the most. So I think she is closer than you think and this number still can correspond to her or a message for you.

228 - As no other you deserve success and happiness. Consider that you are worthy of this, even if you’ve been to very though times in life.

If you add the 1 to this number manifestation, connection, closure and new beginnings are added - 1228.
So if you receive 228 now you’ve already have closed a period and started with a new beginning.

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Thank you so much for taking the time to do this. I did just close a difficult period in my life, with which I’m still trying to come to terms. That would explain the 228.

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You’re welcome. I loved to help.

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Hey I have been seeing 110 242 ,127 ,117 177 277 227 717 343 and and strange number pattern 231 ,354, what does it mean thanks a lot and take your time ,i see 110 I alot though
Thank you😊

@Borgy How would one go about learning numerology to interpret synchronicities like you do? Any sources you could direct me to? This is a useful skill I wanna get into because I see them appear nonstop everyday. You seem to have good knowledge on this

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