Synchronicity & Magick

Hello BALG Family,

For the past few weeks, I’ve been seeing 1111, 1234, 222, 333 & 555. Anytime I just so happen to glance at the clock these numbers appear. Today I saw 333 about 4 times from different sources.

My question is, should I be practicing magick during this period or leave well enough alone because I’m already on my perfect path? I’ve been thinking heavily about doing some but haven’t, so could these number reoccurring meaning I should trust myself and do some, or again, leave well enough alone because I’m already walking into the path I need to be on.

Thanks for all your help in advance,


Interested in your term “perfect path” (would love to be on one of those). Since the synchronicity has made you think about magick, I think the clue is in the question. Generally when ever we get numbers/symbols/sounds in this way there is some kind of revelation going on - it is up to you to interpret and explore as you wish.


Thank you for your reply. My use of “perfect path” is probably incorrect, I guess I mean should I leave well enough alone and not F up my life…lol. Things have actually been going well for me recently, and I’ve seen some of these numbers, however ever since I’ve been thinking about doing magick, the numbers have become more frequent in occurrence. So I guess you helped me to answer my own question in a way @latakiahaze. Thank you:-)

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YW. Actually the fear of “fcking up ones life” when things are going well seems so much worse than when things are dark, but sometimes these synchronicities can be urging us to look at other things. If the synchronicity becomes overwhelming - numbers appearing everywhere/songs on radio/ etc then, IMHO, it probably is a spirit making contact - I would personally use ritual to establish the link, but you are free to chose what to do. I just don’t want you to think that magick will, by default, fck you over!


Totally understand & actually not afraid of magick, more afraid of myself. Sometimes we can be our own worse enemy or self sabotage when we are nearing the right course. I’m pretty excited to try some magick and guess I’m looking for every excuse not to do it, knowing that it will be a life changing experience for the better.


And not forgetting the worst fear of all… it might not work LOL. I used to be worried that the demons WOULD show up - now my worst fear is that they won’t. Magick is all about intent. I have no doubt if you engage with pure intent you will have a blast and your life will only get better.

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Very true @latakiahaze! I appreciate your help and will be updating my progress in the next coming days

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The first time I noticed 1111 was the day I woke up from my walk-in experience as a different person. Somebody I was friends with asked me to go to the store for them and the transaction came to $11.11. An old hobo-looking guy said to the cashier something like, “Hey, 1111, that’s your lucky number!”

I’ve never done any rituals, before or after. I think it’s going backwards if stuff is already happening on its own.

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Thank you for replying @Satanswife. You always give me great insight and another perspective to consider when I have questions, it’s a beautiful thing:-)

Well we’ve mentioned most of the numbers here:

1234 is mostly seen as steps of the number sequences I’ve mentioned. Steps towards ascending.

And it means that you have to put in the work to reach your wanted goals.

Good luck :slight_smile:

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That thread helped me @Borgy . I also appreciate the explanation of 1234. I knew it also had to have meaning since I’ve seen it regularly. I figured it was probably the entry level to it all. So much happening in realms unseen, yet so amazing to have knowledgeable people to help guide, in addition to the spiritual guides as well.

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