
If anyone is interested, my method is to remote view and them pull energy, in the area, towards me. I morph this energy into a body ( a tad like play dough )

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I thought such a thing was against forum rules?

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Not if the recipient has asked me too… at least thats my understanding.

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Oh. Nvm then.


Ah its alright :smiley:


Just tell me before you do it because I might get spooked and accidentally hurt you :frowning:

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Will do. I’ll stop by around this time tomorrow, though I’ll pm you to check its a good time for you.

Amazing form of alchemy this thread has undergone don’t you all agree?

From do spirits exist outside of the subconscious, to trolls who just want to tell everyone else how wrong they are, to how it’s “morally objectionable” to kill them over it with magick to just use magick to frighten him into what? Seeing things your way? Making him be more respectful? And just under ten hours.

That should show everyone magick is real. :laughing:


hahaahaha the mighty charles speaks again!

Do Atheistic Magick. Start with sigils and sigilization.

Go to a secondhand book shop. there’s usually I Ching books there. Use three of the same pocket change coins when you perform I Ching divination. Record results.

Get a Taro deck, a cloth to wrap them in once taken out of their box and bag large enough to contain your cloth-wrapped deck. Just go through the cards and take them in. See if you can perceive any progressions in the Major Arcana. Chose a card everyday. See if you can workout what it means on your own. At the end of the day look up the card’s meanings and see if they fit with your day. Record results.

See, I haven’t mentioned spiritual entities once. So why all the fuss?



Dealing with these people is something I have decided is not actually even necessary. Ignore them and they go away because they need the attention. If they don’t get it from you they find it elsewhere.


Luke 18:17: Truly I tell you, if anyone does not receive the kingdom of God like a little child, he will never enter it."

This is just another way of interpreting what @anon68160656 is saying. “The kingdom of God” is a veiled way of saying, suspend your preconceived notions of what reality is “supposed” to be.

We must all try to clear our minds and reach the Buddhist (or Samurai) Zen state of mind of just perceiving things “as-is” and depending on your own experiences. This is how one eventually achieves awakening, “true enlightenment” or “nirvana”. The “Heaven” or your so-called “Kingdom of God” since you are the God of your Kingdom/reality.

You create your own reality. As Buddha realized, “Reality is an illusion.”

Modern quantum physics is finally beginning to recognize this truth.


Each book of the Bible was meant to be read in one sitting. The chapters and verses were added in around 600 AD to make studying and referencing the Bible easier. So, Luke’s Gospel is one coherent story: And so, let’s look at the stories (because Luke’s Gospel is a narrative piece) that frame this statement. Further, there is a cultural context to this being a first century Greco-Roman document.

In Rome, there was a caste system that was heavily enforced. It went from top to bottom: Caesar, Nobles (called Patricians), Land-owning Citizens (there are five classes of such), Landless Poor, Freedmen (who were born slaves that were freed from slavery, called Liberti), Slaves (called Servi), Women, Children.

When Jesus is saying to become a child, he means to go to the bottom of the social ladder, and in order to hit this point home Luke surrounds this quote with stories that talk about the virtue of humility. The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector, the Parable of the Rich Man, Jesus predicting his death a third time, The Blind Beggar receiving his sight. I could make a large essay just going over the symbolism in each of these stories and how they point to humility and descending the social ladder instead of ascending it.


I believe they actually exist. People who didn’t even believe in the spirit world have had experiences that have changed them into believers. Children who were too young to know anything about spirits have also had experiences with them as well


We all must remember that quite literally everything is subjective to one’s own construct of reality. I can be sitting right next to you and describe how a cup looks, and have it appear a completely different way to you. Together we must both describe this cup and note the similarities of it in order to get a more accurate appearance of our collective reality.