
Do you think…
1 - Spirits, demons, Angels…, actually exist
2 - what we call Spirits are part of our subconscious mind


So… I don’t mean to sound mean or rude, but have you read this forum??


3- What difference does it make


Well said


Yes to both, and I think they can be simultaneous as well as exclusive from one another at the same time. Is the question fueling or failing you? That is significant.


There is a lot of evidence my douptful friend. If you look at the right places you will find them

I do agree as well. I don’t have to prove anything. Spirits aren’t something you can prove to someone else. If you try you can experience it on your own. If not, then don’t waste my time.


Both are happening because both are one in the same. Our perception creates our reality and our reality is our perception. Those aspects of the universe are the same ones that make up us and we are the reflection of the universe. Our minds are entangled to eternity and all parts of existence.


Listen, you are searching for the truth, I get that. I want to find what is true as well. And I have found so much. Don’t search for evidence, instead, search for facts

Everyone is searching for the proof. Just because someone from the church told you that magic is false, fake or whatever don’t believe him without knowing what magic stands for

That’s not true, if she doesn’t float (that is, drops like a rock) then it’s proof that she wasn’t a witch, was falsely accused, and died a good, Christian woman.

But, people generally tend to float in water generally because they are less dense than the water. So, everyone’s a witch!



You are being a caustic SOB, aren’t you? Take the acid out of your statements and talk like a respectful adult. When talking like a respectful adult, remember that there is more to this universe than any of us understand. Science is nowhere near as complete as many seem to think it is, and YOUR observations will ALWAYS be different from someone else’s ovservations. Photos and video won’t change that.

On that note, why don’t you get one of the VIDEO courses from EA and have a look for yourself? You would be supporting a good cause, AND you might get a little humbled…


Some things you must believe to see and the beast in the darkness doesn’t want it’s prey to know it’s there. You may not be able to see it but if you become aware of it’s presence you will eventually catch it in the light.


Actually I use very few candles I’m my work. Candles, for me, act as a source of energy.
Most spirit comunication takes the form of feelings, I feel the spirits message and understand it that way.

I use no candles at all actually

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I do believe they exist because I’ve personally been grabbed by unseen forces, had covers pulled off of me and thrown to the other side of the room when no body else was there, had spirits turn electronics on and off as well as drain batteries, and have seen and taken pictures myself of spirits. I wish I still had those because it was undeniable proof, although there are many who would look for excuses of what it was or claim camera trickery. I’ve even communicated with friends who are clairvoyant when I was out of body and they were not and had it verified by them. With that, it proved that I was truly projecting out of my physical body, further validating the spirits I meet when soul traveling.

As far as the subconscious it’s just that. You can call upon aspects of your own psyche that you are not consciously aware of for many reasons such as self-change, working through issues, and much more. These parts of your consciousness can become real separate entities outside of you such as egregores and tulpas if you work with them enough.



I deeply apologize for coming across rudely to you, and i am very sad that this thread got twisted out of shape for you.

What i meant in my question is that if you read this forum, most of us here believe that they are individual entities. However, three or four of us believe that the results are the same if they are individual entities or just pieces of ourselves. So initially, the question seems moot, but i know why you asked it

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Anyway, let’s get things back on topic.
Personally I do believe spirits are entities that exist both as part of and separate from our mind.
Things like servitors I view as being born from our minds but can later develop independance.
Spirits that are part of our minds I’d call thoughtforms. These thoughtforms can take the form of poltergeists or fully fledged spirits.
When I say " part of our mind " I don’t mean that they only exist in our head, more that they are sustained by our thoughts


I have the exact same opinion. Spirits that we create are a part of ourselves. But also they are different in a way. The result of course doesn’t change. Good question though. Every kind of knowledge is useful, even small details


It’s ok. Don’t worry :wink:
Thanks for your answer!
I’m just trying to understand if Everything is in my head or there’s something outside me.