
I think we are a computer simulation or close to it.

  1. Demons are agents of that simulation that can break rules and make new rules an exist.
  2. Spirits are egreygores or subroutines.
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That’s cool, and completely understandable, but remember when all is said and done getting the end result from magick is all that matters. Everything else is just a point of view or a sideshow, focus on your goals and the rest will take care of itself, and don’t worry what others think or feel about it. Because both of these concepts are equally valid and are equally true. :wink:

And to the absolute offense to the troll in this thread demanding validation from anything other then yourself is a fucking waste of time, i’d try to explain that to it, but quite frankly thinking down to that level gives me a migraine. :rolling_eyes:


Uhm… what about “both”?

#What is real?

My reality check:
Everytime i return back home, i choose to walk additional stairs up, until i reach a great window,
to look and check the mass of details, and if i’m too light headed -like if “worlds try to collide”, i additionally touch -feel the walls and the cool glass of the window.

*The Problem with that is:
Once i have figured out how to controll my so called “dreams”,
the mass of detail will reach insane hights, so it would be hard to destinct between,
what i believe is the physical world, and what i believe is the astral plane.


Evidence is fantasy.

People choose what they see in everything.

If you hold on to the concept of “universally acceptable evidence”, you’re just buying into a fiction.

The great lie is that “reality is what we see”. A more truthful version of the statement would be “reality is just what we tell each other”.

“Personal Reality” is a functional term. You will find cases of people dying from grief, as will you find others who have recovered from supposedly incurable illnesses.

Be as a child, in that you lack judgement of what you perceive, and don’t attempt to normalize paradoxes and contradictions. That is the seed of a mindset which, with practice, will widen your concept of reality.


OH GAWDS, i would merry you XD
*No really, they legalized it. Duh.

But seriously: thats pretty much it.[quote=“anon68160656, post:52, topic:14188”]
People choose what they see in everything.

YESSSS!!![quote=“anon68160656, post:52, topic:14188”]
If you hold on to the concept of “universally acceptable evidence”, you’re just buying into a fiction.

Oh hell yes :3[quote=“anon68160656, post:52, topic:14188”]
The great lie is that “reality is what we see”. A more truthful version of the statement would be “reality is just what we tell each other”.

That is why people should do “reality checks” all the time,
which proves or disproves the IDEAS we are used to.

For instance: “Glass is solid.”
Check it.

Or: “Its too cold out outside.”
Often do i disprove it, and stay out in the winters wind for a while.

Or another example: “He hates me.”
Often people don’t follow the patterns we have calculated.

Or another example: “I’m too week.”
I did some sport and physical work and realized, that i can deal with much more things,
without a break or help of others.[quote=“anon68160656, post:52, topic:14188”]
Be as a child, in that you lack judgement of what you perceive, and don’t attempt to normalize paradoxes and contradictions. That is the seed of a mindset which, with practice, will widen your concept of reality.

YESSS!! People often rant about children, that they literally touch everything,
but thats nothing wrong.

Remember, that this is a new day another time,
a different time. Things change.

-I myself get allways excited when it snows or rains, because what i was used to,
it changed or is completely gone. Details.

“Der Teufel steckt im Detail.” =The devil lies within the details.
~And if they believe that, it must be actually really good!
english “sin”
german “Sinne” =senses


Ian, what you need to understand is that magic and the occult are not like Christianity or Islam. When I was a Christian, I always felt this pressing need to convert people and have them believe, because if i didn’t try, I somehow wasn’t being a good Christian and God would look down on me for it.

As an occult follower however, I feel no such pressure to convince you or anyone of the reality of this, because it’s not an important or necessary part of my growth to become a “living God” . I’m telling you this because you’re starting to come off pretty aggressive, I’m guessing in the hopes that people here continue trying to pay you attention. That may work on a Christian forum, because they all have a need to “save your soul” so they themselves can look better in the eyes of their god…but here you won’t find people investing that much energy to appease you if you come off as abrasive. Remember, there’s a reason why this stuff is referred to as the occult. For a long time, and still today, this stuff is largely kept secret because it gives the knowledge holders a huge advantage over everyone else.

So as you converse here, remember that you are essentially engaging with people who gain more by sharing as little as possible with you…so jumping in here demanding this, that and the other may not turn out the way you may think it will


Some people need validation for their individual view of what reality is and one of the ways they do this is by assaulting other perceptions of reality (it’s the same in every religion) and attepting to come out on top. The win of the debate is necessary for such an individual because it’s how they determine their own sense of self. They feel that the only legitimate reality is that which can be perceived and measured by the 5 senses although this is actually the least real form of perception because it fails to recognize that the universe is not and has never been logical or rational. It is both raional and irrational and the cosmic dance of chaos and order. To view only the rational is to have only half the picture.


I just remembered that Carl Jung gained much of his insights from the occult. Much of modern psychology has come from the occult and then even gone full circle of study into parapsychology.
It’s no wonder that in ancient times the shaman or witch doctor etc was the go to man for most problems physical, psychological, and spiritual.


I actually need to do shadow work you just reminded me

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A magical theory sustains that everything lives. According to another, there is analogy between microcosm and macrocosm. I’m a bit undecided between viewing spirits as forces, dimensional beings or mind parts, in this way we have living forces who also have their echo/other half inside man.


Even if the practitioner’s 3rd eye is not totally open you can have a manifestation. The first evocation I ever did had no visual or auditory “result” and no communication was seen or heard on my end, but you better believe it had a result. Then again, I never doubted that it was successful even though I perceived nothing external. He has not had a “Wow…holy shit…” moment yet, and for some that is what is needed. I take no offense at his skepticism. Perspective, right?


Right, but if tables were turned and we were hunted down and murdered by some Muslims for the sole crime of not worshiping Allah, you would object.

I’m not going to legislate morality for an entire forum, but I would say that if you’re going to curse, especially death curses, then make sure you have a legitimate reason. Someone being a skeptic and not believing in your experiences is not a good enough reason to pass the judgement of death. I’m a big believer in free speech, to quote Voltaire, “I may disagree vehemently with what you say, but I will fight to the death for you right to say it.”

Just because someone expresses an opinion that challenges your worldview, suddenly you’re seeing red. You’re exactly like the Muslim terrorists that destroy everything that challenges their worldview, even other Muslims who don’t share their interpretation of their scriptures. I’d hope that we, being magicians who have seen beyond the dogma of religion, would be able to move beyond having a personal dogma that requires the deaths of those who disagree with us.

I set out a death curse of my grandfather, because he’s an abusive piece of shit and my mom became a drug-addicted prostitute because she can’t stand being alone in silence. She can’t face reality, and I don’t blame her, her reality is shit. She has all these memories of her childhood that haunt her. Thank whatever god or spirit looked out for me and made sure that she broke the cycle when she gave birth to me. And I’m even more grateful, because, unlike my older sister who has FAS and had to be adopted, I am a perfectly healthy, functional, and normal person.

That’s a reason to send a judgement of death. Someone coming onto the forum and hurting your feelings because he won’t believe that bad-ass evocation of a king of hell you had last week, is not.


I agree. We should never death curse a sceptic, we should help convince them and teach them our magic.
Muslims are steadily seeping into the western world, sure we have Britain first but they won’t hold back the tide forever. We need now, more than ever, to get backing and people’s approval.


Or just suggest that a friendly ol’ entity give them the spooks?


I don’t mind that idea. Might even work.

evocation tonight? Nothing harmful just a spooky little guy.

I thought about materialising infront of him, bit then this red head asked me if I wanted to go to a party, so that kinda went down the drain :slight_smile:


I would love for you to materialise in front of me! Seriously though. That would make my day! We could even do evocations together


Tell you what, I’ll give it ago tomorrow. It’s been a few months so I might not manage a full appearance, just a black blob. Still, thankyou :wink:

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A black blob ahah! That’s still awesome! If you’re a black blob you gotta give me a sign so I know it’s you. Maybe hold up your left hand and wag it around?