Summoning Lucifer

Hey so I wanted to know will Lucifer appear if I summon him using this conjuration?


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These rites are weak and nothing special. Using Christianity’s power for this is meaningless…since Christianity has no power anyway. If you want my advice, you can find much better ways to summon him on the forum.


It may work for a Christian (obviously not opposed to Magick and demonic summoning) however, for starters, you may profit from learning the meaning of those God Names and vibrating them.


Indeed, but even so, trying to bind a spirit like Lucifer into a cirlce…I mean, it’s not the wisest thing to do.


He may well appear, but I would caution against “all kinds of menaces” when addressing the Lightbringer. If he does pay you a visit, it wouldn’t make him very happy to be spoken to in that manner. In my experience, he has very little patience for intentional rudeness.


If you want someone to do things for you, why would you start off by being rude to them? Is that a fear thing?
He’s probably already noticed you want to talk anyway.


It’s binding Lucifer from the circle, not in. Still not a good idea to begin with.

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@Cjones99, this conjuration is a bad idea. The “most holy Trinity” only has power if you believe in it, but if you’re on BALG asking about summoning Lucifer, I’m going to hazard a guess that you’re not a Christian, and using Christian godnames is not going to do anything. Lucifer is going to walk right through that circle and smack you across the face.

Instead, draw out his sigil on a piece of paper. Stare past the sigil and vibrate his name until you feel a presence, or the parts of the sigil come in and out of existence. Don’t freak out if you can’t perceive him, because that will come with time and practice. But, speak to him in a polite, yet firm, tone; asking him whatever you’d like.


Lucifer shows up when called for, regardless how you call him! He is understanding and tolerate so much mistakes I do! He is really a great being so please be respectful! He dosnt bite :wink: unless you want him to!


If you want to meet Lucifer or work with him for something,then I don’t suggest this really.

I have evoked him weekly for years now and when I first started, I was such a newbie I irritated him by repeating chanting spells during rituals.

It was very clear he wanted me to get to the point and so I learnt.

If Lucifer wanted to harm you, a circle would not do a thing.Luckily,once you get over the whole fear of this he is surprisingly easy to talk to and patient.

There is an excellent post on here concerning everything you need to evoke Lucifer and make a good bond with him


As @The_Seeker mentioned, He has no patience for intentional rudeness.



use this its way stronger than christian shit
this is powerful and respectful