Yes, exactly. Gold and black are her colours btw.
thank, ur wisdom is great, you should make a greek gods thread for contact them, i aslo wanna work with hebe and aphrodite what u recomend for wor with them ?
Thank you for your kind words.
Hebe is a secondary diety, she represents eternal youth. People don’t have a reason to call her usually as her role was pretty much that of a servant or, better to say, a typical young daughter who takes care of her older brother, obedient to her parents and especially her mother, being a good hostess serving her family during gatherings, marrying the one her parents chose and being a happy girl in general. I suppose aside her image you can use whatever objects bring “youth” in your mind.
As for Aphrodite, for personal reasons she’s the only one I’m refusing any connection with. You can use her Orphic hymn and you can also find several threads or posts here from ppl who worked with her.
ok, thank for your wisdom, im going to reseach more before make any contact
also for hebe could work a goblet?
It can. You can also fill it with a drink based on honey or royal jelly. Be creative
thanks, i will
also can work wine or sweet dinks?
Wine is a general offering for Greek gods, of course you can use it, but since Hebe was serving ambrosia and nectar, based on honey and royal jelly, I suppose would be best to use something as close as what’s directly connected with her.
ok, i was thinking if mead or honey ale works for the offering
Calling on the Primordial Gods can be interesting. I’ve called on Erebus and challenged him to a spar once, and explored Nyx’s realm for a time as well. I also seen Hemera’s realm it was pretty amazing experiences.
It can work if you feel it will.
It is, isn’t it? It’s heavy enough some times to call on a Titan, a Primordial is…more. But the experiences are fun. Actually…the experiences are fun either way lol Each one, god, Titan, Demon, Primordial brings something different on the table.
i was thinking that if im meditating while im listening an orfic hymn of a god, the contact can concrete more faster?
Mmm that depends, if it works for you better that way then do it.
ok, im going to do it
Aphrodite is actually quite easy to summon. I did it in my lucid dreaming and she did not appear in her full glory, so to speak. She says that it is because her beauty would cause most men to go insane. So she appears as a slightly less attractive woman.
that’s so intresting, how u make the contact, may i ask?
I called to her in my dream.
thanks, that’s so intresting