Sugar cravings after intense energy work?

Anyone else get like sugar cravings after intense mediations or working with energies with spirit work? I’m not one for sweets but ever since I been doing work with daemons/deities I been getting cravings for sweets and sometimes I feel like a headache/flu bone aching symptoms. But they go away until I do certain mediations with certain gyms/invocations.

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Sound like you’re becoming a little unbalanced in terms of having too much yang. Sugar is yin. So eating it would help balance you. After you balance your energy with energy work meditations though that is fixed so you stop having headaches and wanting yin foods.


@Noctis I mentioned this is another thread who mentioned the same thing during divination. So best thing is when you feel like this take a break, have a sugary or fizzy drink, eat some food, and go for a quick walk even if its just pacing up and down for a while. This grounds you back to the physical plane of existence.

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What kind of energy work did you have in mind? Ty for the response

Grounding sounds good, actually now you mention this it does feel better when I open the window and left a draft in

I was referring to the energy work you said you were already doing :slight_smile:

You do two sets, no? First you do energy work and get sugar cravings, then you do meditations - which are also a form of energy work - and they go away.