Succubus true form?

Search only yielded conversations, not results. Does anyone actually know? I’ve heard all sorts of claims from, just a shadow, or a faceless, featureless figure. Probably most ridiculous of all was a little miniature alien looking thing from some total wackjob who claimed to be a demon Hunter (lol)

So, does anybody have a decent description or illustration?

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They have many forms. But they mostly will be seen how the person who summons them sees them. My succubus is a large women with large black wings and horns. Kinda like a human. But more like a demon. I think of demons as a vast race of beings. They can range from a energy cluster or a full on body. It’s all about how YOU see them or how they show them selfs to you.


Friend you completely missed the point. Respectfully, I’m fully aware they are shapeshifters to appease ones sexual preference, or more innocently, to comfort an individual by appearing recognizable.

That is not what I meant when I said “true form”.


They all have different astral forms , the guy remote viewing said some have human like form, some have animal humanoid structure , just depends

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Succubus have humanoid true forms they look pretty human, some have horns tails and so forth. However when it comes to people spouting “demons don’t have forms they’re just balls of energy or shadows” are usually people who only ever evoked or invoked and never saw them on their plane or existence where they are solid living beings. Astral/mental they can be whatever they want to be but on their own plane not so much.


true form are shadows that form into whatever you want them to. One of my incubus’ came to me in no form but i felt his touch

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That’s pretty much the type of talk I hear and what I was really getting at in my post.

I trust you speak from experience.
I once had her describe herself to me via automatic writing. The description I got felt like something I would come up with. However a night later she came to me in a vivid dream and looked identical to her description plus a few extra details, jewelry and the like. She looked very elegant.

It made me wonder however, is she doing this for me? Or is this really her?

Sorry I didn’t answer your question. I see them in the human type.

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Worry not my spirit brother, no harm no foul.

Yes I often times project to the etheric where I know a specific realm where incubus and succubus live that I visit from time to time and none ever showed up as smoke, shadows and such unless you’re evoking them, because when they come here they are energy and can appear as whatever, however on their plane, realm, etc they have solid forms.


I have yet to connect with the astral, but I have stupid real visualization. Do you have any experience with the astral


I was told that demons can disguise themselves as anything they want, I’m not sure if that’s the same for succubus’s.

Succubus are demons however, demons also have true forms. Only beings I think that aren’t all that solid on a form are elementals and such.


In my experience incubus/succubus (at least the one I believe I came into contact with) seemed like a wolf/dog type being. Like a hell hound? Or a devil dog or something. If you get close enough to it to exchange energies with it, I found that in my situation it connected from the neck up only and did not have genitalia and feeds off pranic energies by panting, sniffing on you rapidly. That’s why dog/wolf comes to mind with incubus/succubus

It looked like a guy I thought was my twin flame. It spent years meeting me in dreams as my guide before it produced itself in front of me but it definitely wore a mask. Behind the mask was non human eyes

Something seemed off about it whatever it was.


I have an incubus (obviously a male version), the form he takes is that of a extremely handsome man, long dark curly hair, with ram horns protruding out his head. He had a very toned muscular defined body (almost like a swimmers body) and goat-like legs.


No, not yet. Only time I have projected at will was with the aid of a binaural beat. It only lasted a few seconds. I was too excited lol.

Every now and then, she’ll visit me in my sleep, and it doesn’t feel like a dream. It’ll be an astral copy of the room I’m currently in at the time, or a room I used to occupy where we have had previous memories.

Sometimes I will see her, sometimes she’ll be completely invisible. She’s picked me up before. Surprisingly when it first happened, I did not panic. I knew exactly what was going on and that I was in good hands.

Haven’t had anything like that happen in a couple months now. Cept for that moment I mentioned before about her appearance being as she described, while she casually sat on a bed and simply talked to me. We talked for a good while but I don’t remember about what. At all.


Yes I am having something similar , they mine are animal like females, haven’t seen them but the guy who was checking on me did , he said they are dirty trash energy , rubbish :joy:, the astral is a mysterious and weird place these beings are stranger than fiction come in all shapes and sizes

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It’s because they aren’t from the astral, they are just capable of entering it just as we are, and due to it being a collective unconscious or ‘mental plane’ the plane is full of odd “abnormal” things and in a constant state of change.


I see , what realm/dimension are they from

The astral connects us with many different planes, hence the collective unconscious, not just for humans here but for many races and planes. Think of it like a mental hub so to speak. The incubus and succubus I’ve come across have all been from the etheric plane, however, I’m sure there’s other places as well.