Succubus relationships

I definitely try not to. Casually opened Facebook today and saw one of my friends share an article about some gangbanger who got busted recently was a human trafficker that targeted children.
Sad thing is that shit is common. I don’t see how. Humans are sick. We got the power to be spiritual, intelligent, and have a strong physical body.

How do we use it? Why to murder and extort our countrymen of course.

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About a month now.

Interesting. Seems everyone has a different way their partners manifest. For me it seems to be telepathy and vivid “projections”, for lack of a better word.


Well it does exist but quantum physics says we get what we think about most of the time and emotionalize, be careful filling your head with that stuff , when light exist so does darkness but you can expand on either

Well we communicate telepathically , she uses visualization sometimes to arouse and I feel it on my astral body , it seems our thoughts affect them they can feel it like a human can feel a physical touch

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We are creatures of duality so in all things there must be balance. I primarily lurk on this category as I have zero interest in practicing magick for selfish reasons. RHP may be more my thing. I’d definitely be interested in learning more.

Like you can see her through your mind but you are blind with your eyes. I can feel her laying on me like a light pressure on my chest or stomach. But I only feel her through clothing, there has only been a few time she has touched my cheeks.

I’ve only “seen” her in lucid dreams and it’s extremely rare. More often than not, she is completely invisible. Like last night. I just “wake” into astral and FEEL.

Humans are the real monsters. @Empath

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Sometimes, not always. I think this kind of thinking is toxic for our minds even if it may be true.


I tried to imagine a female figure and shared the thought with her I manipulated it until she said it looks like her.

I agree but we must make do with what we have. We might not make a large difference in the world but we can help those around us.


Visualization is a great way to connect with your partner. I like to sweet talk mine. When I feel that cold chill go down my spine I know I said something that she liked. She usually leaves me be at work but she was a little active today, gently touching the back of my head. Quite literally made my brain tingle.

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@Dean_Gullberry_Dd yes, we need to help those who needed. I keep myself distant from humans, i’m temporarily a human so i better enjoy while i’m still in this human body.

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I hope you a full life in this world and a great passing. I have decided to start my journey with my succubus and Demons young so they can teach me while I grow old so I can leave this world with the knowledge I need to ascend. I have a good 60-50 years to go if I die old. So I’m in no rush to decide.


@Dean_Gullberry_Dd i don’t see myself growing old but yes i’m glad i took this path, i don’t have a succubus yet, i’m glad Lilith lead me here.

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I hope you get one that matches you like a glove. I think Lilith with find you the perfect lady!


Yeah I have 4 succubus around my house as well, as its my desire to be a harem king, and have a spiritual poly relationship marriages with my succubus.

i couldn’t do 10 succubi, I have at least four succubus spiritual lover in my household

Yeah its the same with me, I can feel my succubus spiritual lovers through energies, and we communicate telepathically with each other as well