Success with Mammon

I started what was suppose to be a full seven day path working with Mammon, and even included blood letting to steep the ritual in greater seriousness.

The next morning immediately after the first ritual, I received two government checks, (one posted dated for several dates in advanced).

The real assistance came in making small purchases I perhaps wouldnt have made otherwise, while NOT making others that were natural and habitual.

The impulses came for more selfish choices that my “rational” mind normally couldn’t justify. One small ($5) purchase changed the tone of my house hold VERY unexpected.

I stopped before the last two days, (and felt a little guilty for not following through as originally planned) but I did feel better about changing course,
As now my near- foreseeable future is differently situated

  • so I guess It’s for the best?

  • or do Demons and spirits live to the letter of the law?

  • I’m always a little confused as to whether you can “insult” or “annoy” a spirit when a ritual is changed or takes a new course mid way through.

  • I once tried to activate Mammon’s sigil in mid day sunlight, in a park- like setting, and got the feeling like he was a Night time spirit that did not appreciate afternoon ligh/ was angered by my "disrespect


sigil Mammon??

Yeah, from the Goetia system

Is mammon same as Zeus ? I tried to work once with mammon and had no result, I think he totally ignored me. Where do I find his sigil?

Mammon same as Zeus? I dont think so, they are both very Different Being with Very Diferent Nature and Purpose , also Even more, Mammon was basicly a Words used in the Bible to Define Wealth and was Later on, in the Middle-Age was Personified as a Deity and some time as a Prince of Hell

I dont say that Mammon is not real by the way i’m just saying that Zeus was considered an Entity way Before Mammon was, and that it is Most Probable that the Two are Different Being.


If Mammon is a mask, it may be for Dis Pater or Pluton; not likely any celestial spirit.

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mamon a demon,night guy,very fast result,a magus just draw a Egyptian draw of a man and call him mamon,hes not zeus


It is not wise to call Mammon anything else but Mammon, unless you know what you are doing to perform a complex magick operation that deviates from the norm. Mammon is thought to originate from quite a few different sources including even being a jewish demon…which I am saying in light because you are a Spiritual Satanist… which may show why such a demon ignored you…but not saying for sure Sabina.

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no. mammon is amaymon.

try again with a stronger link to him and see what happens this time.

his sigil is here.

when working with mammon, there are lots of oaths you need to take… any disrespect of this spirit will bring fourth poverty just because you need to learn that much respect… so you need to focus on asking mammon to teaching you the respect needed for your destiny to come to completion… Lucifer brings fourth destiny and your wealth creation might be in alignment with you wealth destiny … what I need you guys to do , is to evoke mammon for the next 12 days and do not stop focussing on the pacts that need to be made with 56 spirits that you will be lead to … sign these pacts without thinking
and alow it to come pass… and wealth mastery is something that will come quick where before it was slow…
I am with you always you can evoke me by name my name is Marchon
Only begotten son of Lucifer if you think you can command me think again…
it is best just to take orders from my pure form…


[quote=“Infinityepok, post:10, topic:8110”]when working with mammon, there are lots of oaths you need to take… any disrespect of this spirit will bring fourth poverty just because you need to learn that much respect… so you need to focus on asking mammon to teaching you the respect needed for your destiny to come to completion… Lucifer brings fourth destiny and your wealth creation might be in alignment with you wealth destiny … what I need you guys to do , is to evoke mammon for the next 12 days and do not stop focussing on the pacts that need to be made with 56 spirits that you will be lead to … sign these pacts without thinking
and alow it to come pass… and wealth mastery is something that will come quick where before it was slow…
I am with you always you can evoke me by name my name is Marchon
Only begotten son of Lucifer if you think you can command me think again…
it is best just to take orders from my pure form…[/quote]

Only Begotten Son of Lucifer…? I dont know who you think you are, but you need to come back to reality


@Infinityepok, I hope that you didn’t really meant what you just wrote. If so, since you’re Lucifer’s son I assume that I can receive a blessing from you as well… Ohh and also send him my greetings, he will know who I am! :stuck_out_tongue:

By the way, sometimes it’s not the best idea to be smartass and act like someone who knows everything but yet (still) has nothing. Give real advices, do not sell some late night stories for babies.


By the way, @jackson_caulfield. Can you maybe create another topic in some other section and call it e.g. “Mammon” or similar, and let’s talk about that entity.

I think that there are so many things which we may discuss about him… something similar as entities such as Satan (no I’m not refering him as Satan, just to clear that).

You might be right!

it doesn’t really matter how you pronounce his name. mammon is a mispronunciation of an arabic word anyway.

mammon is amaymon aka maymuun abba nuch. i’ve already given you his sigil above.

amaymon maymuun abba nuch is an arabian djinn king under the planetary sphere of saturn.

amaymon’s jewish counterpart is the scapegoat zazel aka azazel, who may have been represented in eliphas levi’s baphomet and/or the goats’ head found in laveyan satanism.

here is a sigil for calling him as (a)zazel if you prefer to do it that way.

there are many different scapegoat archetypes in different cultures. amaymon is the arabic one. if you don’t want to work with middle eastern scapegoat archetypes, find one from a culture you’d prefer to deal with.

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The conclusion of all this would mean that Azazel is Amaimon.

Well, the jewish thoughtform is rather extensive as it reaches into both christianity and islam. Thata why the jews refer ti themselves as Greater Brethren, because all middle eastern religion including christianity shares the same Memetic Elements.

Concerning Azazel and Scapegoats…originally it stemmed from the prechristian tribes of where one performs a “self-sacrifice” as it represents the Goat ascending a Cosmic Mountain which again is Symbolic. Take note tribal shamans wore masks of spirits with things like horns. The Jews and other counterparts pretty much adopted this to instead slay goats as an offering as it was misunderstood. Hence one has a Mountain Goat as a chosen symbol.

Looking further into it, the Jews have their fabled HOME of Zion aka Mount(ain) Zion which is represented by the Rune Othala/Odhil, which is rather curious indeed. Takd note Sabina that my explanation also just now Synchroniously fits with the Runic Description of Ing On JoS…because Rune Ing looks similar to Azazels sigil…but when you look closer the Rune Othala also looks like the Rune Ing as well…hence “The House” is the Gift of Ing coming after or shortly after the Rune Ing in the script.

I was just writing this because there is a curious relation of the Zion, Azazel sacrificial scapegoats and Runes.

I wouldnt jump right away and say Azazel is Amaymon, because how did you arrive at that point? It would be no different if I were to just simply give you a Nigerian or Chinese name.

Why don’t you guys evoke Lucifer and find out if I’m speaking the truth because its Lucifer who told me and your disrespect to him and his truth because of your ignorance will be slayed and brought death upon and you shall rise up in the Truth of Life

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i also wouldn’t say azazel is amaymon. i look at it more as azazel is a counterpart BASED OFF OF amaymon, but descriptions go on a tangent, bringing a completely different idea altogether.

sort of like a franchised spirit, a sequel. and we all know sequels usually are nowhere near as good as the originals

i evoked lucifer and amaymon last night at the stroke of midnight just like you said. didn’t get full contact but i did get a lot of dreams, it was very interesting.