Submit your Spell/Ritual Requests [CLOSED]

I just sent one for that to someone, maybe it was sent via pm, but about to pm you with it. And you’re welcome.


You’re the first person that helped me♥️ im new tho but id like to be friends with you!


It is simple. You need a gray candle for this. Gray brings neutrality to any situation. Get some oil for your zodiac sign, and I will create one for you. Give me some time, have a client coming early this morning, will work on it after my appointment.

Basically what you need to do is forget a love interest, and empower yourself so you can move on. So I’ll come up with one.

If you’re not interested in a serious relationship, maybe you should consider Asmodeus. Seems like a better choice for what you’re looking for. He is the demon of choice for non serious type rituals regarding lust, and luxury. He is my patron demon, and I don’t call on him for those reasons, but I know others who have with good results. He’s alot to deal with even for an experienced sorcerer, but if you don’t want to be tied down in a relationship, you may want to think about it.

What about a ritual that would

  1. In the present moment cleanse and protect the different bodies (energetic and physical) and aura.

  2. However then continuesly do this even after the ritual is done (maintenance) when needed or just like how the body takes care of it’s functions in the background? @4648Cru

Just do a cleanse, with salt water, white candle with sage and cedar oil. You will bathe in salt water, apply the oils to candle. Burn some Palo Santo wood while bathing. Place aura quartz, citrine, clear quartz, black tourmaline and healers gold near you, and just meditate on that intention. Afterwards, you’ll want to cleanse your aura with the Palo Santo, just let the smoke swirl around you. Then always carry healers gold and black tourmaline. Just put your intention in the candle by squeezing it until you feel your pulse, and visualize while doing so, also speak your intent while bathing.

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Thank you, that’s something I’ll have to do when I have the supplies but seems like it’ll be quite effective!

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I love the smell of Palo Santo wood, and I just made a few Palo Santo candle, they’re burning ATM lol, addicted to it

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Would this also rid of any parasites/imposters that had the chance to attach?

Have an imposter or spirit that’s attached id say weeks to 1-2 months ago and has done stuff to my head, left foot, and belly for some reason…sexual but not pretty kind…gave me an awful dream last night…

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That’s a different story. But…the healers gold and black tourmaline sure will. Keeping agrimony around helps too, but for that you really have to give them the boot, let me look up a ritual for you. I’ve had it happen to me, at an old bookstore one attached to me, they’re awful.

Sure you don’t have a ghost?

I will come up with something for you, give me an hour or so. Will pm you.

Either that or a not so pretty succubus spirit. I was trying to reach out to another spirit and this one came along acting as the other but the energy isn’t QUITE the same. Been super confusing to me. It can manifest physically but not nearly the same level… although can move like bed sheets (micro movements)…

It basically started by ("pulsing cold energy) on the toes/upper part of left foot until my body kinda spasmed in esctasy (body also heated up) but didn’t like it, been sexual ever since then…aims for lower and heart/crown chakra. But seems to touch my belly button alot/ rub “hand” in weird pattern on my torso I’ve noticed to.

It’s not friendly cause it visited me in my dream last night and basically raped me, I became lucid in the dream and tried to fight her off but didn’t quite work. Got overpowered.


Sounds like something slipped thru during a ritual to another, and it does sound like a succubus. I’ll have to do some research, and I’ll get back to you.

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Thank you. I’ve tried banishing and petition spells to Lilith (since her domain) and cleansing with inscense cones but she hasn’t left, and Lilith just slept with me when she came. I appreciate the help!

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If you PM me can I then PM you back?

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Do you have a very powerful love spell to make someone obsessed/enslaved to you

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