Sorry you personally are having a technological inconvenience. I understand how that could be frustrating and annoying for you.
But I dispute your complaint that you are “putting up with” our delivery protocol.
We use the fastest online video streaming technology available to the mass market.
If your computer/internet connection is unable to support it, that’s your problem. There’s simply nothing we can do, and we’re not lowering the quality for the few who can’t keep up.
One suggestion for future releases is to make these videos similar to youtube videos which can load all the way if you just leave them alone. This one will only preload for a max of about a minute or so.
Thanks for making a suggestion, in an attempt to help us to improve.
Regrettably, that’s a terrible idea, and it’s also NOT how Youtube works. Their service only allows preload on short-length videos, not extended plays.
Forcing the user to pre-load an entire hours-long video will dramatically increase wait time. Furthermore, if a person accidentally or deliberately closes the page, they just lost all the loading time. (Hence why Youtube permits it on short-length videos, because it’s not too much of an inconvenience to reload a 10 minute clip)
Youtube uses the same basic technology we do… a combination of cloud file storage and RMTP streaming file delivery. It enables a person to click anywhere in the timeline of the video, and instantly play from that moment - WITHOUT preload.
This saves record time and is the most innovative delivery protocol.
I’m sorry your personal technology is having issues. That’s why we are happy to provide you download links so you can watch at your own speed on your own hard computer.
Lastly, I’ll bounce the idea off my programmer again, to double check if there is any sort of tweak we may be able to do to ensure we have the highest, most top-notch speed for ALL users.