St. Michael problem?

Hi all. I’ve been in a working relationship with a number of cthonic entities for a while now, and have recently decided to begin incorporating a more angelic vibration to my work.
Last night I prepared an invocation to the archangel Michael, as he’s served as a guide to a family member before. I figure he’s a safe bet.
As I sat down to begin, a doubt crept over me. I wondered: could this invocation be an issue with my patron? So I postponed the invocation and tried to ask Prince Seere (via tarot, my astral senses are a shite) and he seemed to indicate that he wouldn’t be bothered, but that Michael might.
Anyone have any similar experiences? Thoughts? Advice?


What’s the invocation?

Not a particular from a grimoire or anything. I had sigil, candles, etc. I never actually got around to attempting it. Felt it was best to gather more info before proceeding.

From literally just everything I’ve read about Michael and heard about others evocation experiences with him, I’d say you’re right to be skeptical of his attitude upon contact. I’ve heard he’s everything from a downright ass to being more like a drill sergeant. And is the most likely angel to kick your ass. He demands a high amount of respect from what I’ve heard also. Then again some people have said he was pretty cool. It may depend on your approach and attitude I’m not sure. Approach him like you would approach a military infantry leader.

If you don’t decide to go with Michael. I’d suggest Raphael. He is incredible, and a bit more forgiving and open minded and laid back. Not to mention the divine surgeon. Healing is pretty special.

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Well in my opinion Angels and Deamons go fine together. Michael has no problems with Lucifer is what I’ve read and heard. Why not go on with the evocation and ask him.

I try to maintain the utmost respect for any and all spirits I work with, but my Prince telling me it may not be wise definitely threw me for a loop. Raphael may prove a better partner though, I definitely appreciate your advice.

I didn’t think they’d have inherent problems with each other. For now though, I think I’ll pass on Michael. Maybe I’m not ready, maybe there’s a deeper problem. I don’t know.


On the other end follow your gut. But fear of something can give you negative results too. Even low level entities. Another solution is trying Raphael and ask him what’s going on.

Thing is, I wasn’t afraid to begin with. I felt wary, like something wasn’t quite right. But even that could have given me problems in the end.
Probably a good idea on Raphael. I think I’ll try him, ask what’s going on.

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Keep us updated

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So I guess along those same lines, has anybody worked with Raphael? Is he agreeable? Easy to call?

Yes, I worked with Raphael and at that time I worked with Lucifer too. @Lady_Eva worked with him also.

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What sort of offerings does he like? Does he have a title he prefers to be address by?

I call him Raphael and Angels are there to help, give them permission and a thank them. A ‘thank you’ and appreciation is an offering.

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Huh. Well that’s simple enough. Does he have a sigil or the like?

No problem. I do too, and some of the people I love most are old crusty military and law enforcement people. They tend to be wretched nasty assholes with lion hearts of gold xD Even so, I would personally worry about accidentally pissing off Michael and him kicking my ass. That’s just me and my issues though. Don’t know if him and I would click, and I’m not gonna find out any time soon lol

I agree with the other comment. Evoke Raphael and see if you can get clarification there.


Thank you both for taking the time to talk this out with me.

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I inquired about Raphael, but I’m still getting ambiguous answers as to whether or not any trouble would arise from calling Raphael. I’m sort of confused at this point. Is there something I’m doing wrong?

I’m a very adversarial/rebel minded kind of person. RHP tennents and mindsets don’t sit well with me in my personal practice. I intended to never work with angels, and that’s my personal hesitancy with Michael. I evoked Raphael on my dad’s behalf and had an incredible experience. I posted about it not long ago here somewhere. I feel 100% accepted and safe with Raphael


Hmm. Does Raphael dislike “meet and greet” type invoking? I didn’t have a specific purpose lined out for either angel, I was just hoping to bring angelic energies into my life.

From my experience and reading about others, I wouldn’t think that would be an issue. You just may not have as clear of contact without clear direction though. I would ask something. Pray to him for a week prior and immerse yourself in study during that week for the meet and greet part. Evoke with a clear intention. I didn’t even ask him to and he fixed my upper back that’s been out of whack for years. My chest/ribs hurt for almost a week after, but it’s perfect now. Completely.crazy.