Spiritualisation Of The Body & Vampirism

Hi Lady_Eva,

How are you feeling?
Hopefully, you and your family will have a pleasant weekend.

I replied via email, I do not know if you received it, so I am pasting it here:
~25.2. now ~33.8.

I believe it is not the same issue it was previously, as my body is +95% dead, so the mental/spiritual demons are starved for life force to exist and do not bother me anymore…

I am also linking to my personal free Astrological Reading:
Kirill Kale Muhammad astro-profile

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I didn’t get an e-mail, please keep replies to this forum. If you mean you posted via e-mail, it seems not to have appeared on here.

Okay well good luck with that, I’m not sure how you keep going without massive septicemia, but rock on! :+1:


Maybe, I will try to explain:
By dead I mean, the spiritualization of the body and from what I understand is that the spirit always feeds on the matter.

What you are referring to is the materialization of the body, which is from what I understand is called decomposition and it is the process of the physical body being recycled back to its composite parts…

Now, all the medicines I receive for my slapped psychiatric diagnosis, try to make my body more material and less spiritual.

I have much more to say,
But you guys do not have all day to read my posts :wink:

What do you think about my theory?

:thinking:…r u a vampyre?? Workable theory in this paradigm, imo…

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Maybe, not sure. I do not really know the definition of the word “vampire” in the real world and not in popular culture.
The closest thing to an explanation I have found is: A possible definition of a Vampire

But, I do appear physically much younger than my age, seem 20 something, when in fact I am 30+ and see myself as a decent communicator.

Can you share your experience with Spiritual Vampirism in the real world?

Thanks in advance and have a great week,
:slight_smile: Nir666.

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Nice, great n timely link, very synchronous. Anyways that’s pretty on point, my experience is hard to convey, but there is subtle energy exchange in every interaction beyond what “transactional analysis” would surmise…Taoist alchemy and qi gong are interesting avenues of practice or research. I doubt I’m answering your question, perhaps you could be more specific

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I am just exiting a bad period in my life- now it has been four months since I am out of that place -
I think the prudent thing will be to just prove myself in this online community and help myself and others to rise up on the their unique spiritual paths.

I want to form long-lusting, mutually-beneficial friendships on this Forum.

For now I want to talk less and listen more.
:heart: Nir666

:smirk::selfie:"long-lusting"…freudian slip?!?:rofl:



Interesting, sometimes I have slipped in things like that to implant suggestions…

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You use Viber,
Or WhatsApp?

It is just annoying to talk like this…

Had WhatsApp…

I do not use Social-Networks,
So how do you suggest best to communicate synchronously?

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Think we’re doing it NOW…

Tell me about yourself, no intro, just something about you…

I have a very strong Libido,
That you noticed.

Think you would do well in vampyrism :vampire:t2:‍♂:drop_of_blood::vampire:t2:‍♂


I also like verbal arguments: finding Truth,


Yes that is one angle…:drop_of_blood:

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I got my foot into the Occult World by being a part of a small esoteric group in Northern-Central Israel.

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