Spiritual Marriage and Boundaries:

I think while I was half sleeping still, but slated it to reread after I clean my apartment. My sleep was interrupted by texts from my children and 6 or 7 Facebook messages indicating that for whatever reason I didn’t think to hide my birthdate from family on there, so in addition to just being tired after the last week, my sleep was somewhat broken.

Easy to do. I either don’t think it’s worth sharing to anyone or don’t think about sharing, myself.


I bookmarked all my journals so I don’t have to spend 10mins trying to find them lol. Since I’m not updating them daily, good to know where they are lol.

And it took me this long to realize I could do that.


I think what alot of people dont realize about spirit marriages is that there is such a thing as spiritual divorce. You are also able to set time limits for your marriage ( something like I agree to marry you but only for 2 years) or you can marry them for the duration of the current lifetime or even the length of your souls existence. However one should definitely talk it out with the spirit to see if marriage is the right thing for you. Term and conditions should most definitely be made before accepting such proposals.


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