Spiritual child and Asmodeus

It is these reasons and their consequences that Attakeria fears.

Can you talk to Asmodeus and find out what he plans for the kid, maybe see if he would let him or her visit you?

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Why because it discusses things you don’t know about? how does this comment benefit this discussion aside from showing you do not know about these topics? lol


In my case, it will be a child in the full sense of the word. Some kind of infernal-fiery mix.

Which is more reason to do what needs to be done. It’s hard but it will be for your human best interest.


This why Im glad I don’t have to have spirit kids in this life or the next 4 and isn’t my focus. Although it might be easier :thinking:.


I am not sure. I like the I can feel their warm and care for them kind honestly.

Remember sometimes they word, or say things in order to make something else happen or have different goals, they can work on a complicated level, but if they want you to reproduce in general that is a good sign @Adrin


Mine are physical, all of them and they want a crazy amount, but 4 is enough for this life lol.


Losing their shit how in this case? this person is asking for help and is getting opinions and such from those who have experienced this situation. That’s what a forum is for, now if it was someone claiming they want to be a physical vampire or like those posts that use anime and cartoons to go “yeah that’s my spirituality” then yeah I’d agree lol.


Well, I can try to question him. The last time we parted on a bad note. But I think we can talk normally this time. Although I feel it will be a test for Attakeria.

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I am supposed to hopefully have two more. I am set in stone with ones name too. She was supposed to come with my son but I lost the 2nd baby at 8 weeks. And since had two miscarriages.

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I’m so bad with picking names my one of my kids I didn’t name until he was 2 days old the other I picked out in labor lol.

But for me I have a “choice” but if I start rejecting it weird things happen etc… and other people get the messages and it becomes a mess.

Enki told my mess last year led me to the door and the path Im on now. (Although he still thinks I’m foolish which for him is a honor.)

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Don’t assume everything is a test or a lesson, this a trap many on the LHP use to justify bad behavior from entites they wouldn’t accept from a human.


This! yes, it’s such a horribly common thing with LHP that I can’t even understand the weird romanticized abuse


Yes, I understand (by human consciousness) that this may not be dangerous or something bad. However, there is an important factor here - Attackeria’s attitude. Here he does not accept this decision and that’s it.

That is, it is not even the level of human consciousness, it is the level of consciousness of Attakeria as a creature from the Fiery World that gives such opposition.

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Who is him/her?

If we’re going by pre-islamic djinn as in the ones in Sumer then it would be Ishtar and her brother Shamash.

There’s also Iblis/Shaitan


I always had a feeling that was the case. Interesting to have confirmation of such a concept.


It usually depends on the race of the spirit involved, elemental spirit children can be born adult or children, because they are embodiments of elements they don’t exactly have a “physical” form, or if the child was not born from “normal” means such as the child myself and Shiva created wasnt born normal means we just decided we wanted it to be a baby so they have time to learn and develop however a demon, angel, fae, djinn, etc are usually born babies and age to a point. Lucifer was a child once, Zeus, Aset, Set, Ishtar, Zadkiel, Michael, so forth.